
Stop Islamization of America

Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), också känt som American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI),[1] är en antimuslimsk,[2][3][4][5][6][7] proisraelisk[8][9][10] amerikansk organisation främst känd för sina kontroversiella, islamofobiska reklamkampanjer.[11] Gruppen har beskrivits som extremistisk[12] och högerextrem,[13] och Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) har klassificerat SIOA som en antimuslimsk hatgrupp.[9][10][14]

SIOA grundades 2010 av den politiska aktivisten Pamela Geller och författaren Robert Spencer. Dessa är organisationens ledare.


  1. ^ Barnard, Anne; Feuer, Alan (10 oktober 2010). ”Outraged, And Outrageous”. The New York Times. https://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E05EEDB113CF933A25753C1A9669D8B63&scp=3&st=cse&pagewanted=all. 
  2. ^ Kelly, Suzanne (10 december 2015). ”Why I Am Campaigning to Ban Donald Trump From the U.K.”. Time. http://time.com/4144268/ban-donald-trump-u-k/. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  3. ^ Hughes, Laura (17 januari 2016). ”David Cameron: More Muslim women should 'learn English' to help tackle extremism”. The Telegraph. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/terrorism-in-the-uk/12104556/David-Cameron-More-Muslim-women-should-learn-English-to-help-tackle-extremism.html. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  4. ^ Faloyin, Dipo (17 december 2016). ”British Prime Minister Predicts the U.K. Will Unite Against Donald Trump”. Newsweek. http://www.newsweek.com/british-prime-minister-predicts-uk-will-unite-against-donald-trump-406336. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  5. ^ ”Why Is Mainstream Jewish Philanthropy Funding anti-Muslim, Far Right Pamela Geller?”. Haaretz. 23 november 2015. http://www.haaretz.com/jewish/features/1.687871. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  6. ^ Masi, Alessandria (14 maj 2014). ”New American Freedom Defense Initiative Sponsored Anti-Islam Ad Hits Public Bus In D.C”. International Business Times. http://www.ibtimes.com/new-american-freedom-defense-initiative-sponsored-anti-islam-ad-hits-public-bus-dc-1584340. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  7. ^ Shoichet, Catherine; Pearson, Michael (4 maj 2015). ”Garland, Texas, shooting suspect linked himself to ISIS in tweets”. Time. http://www.cnn.com/2015/05/04/us/garland-mohammed-drawing-contest-shooting/. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  8. ^ Calder, Rich; Edelman, Susan (21 april 2015). ”'Anti-Jihad' bus ads can't be blocked by MTA: judge”. New York Post. http://nypost.com/2015/04/21/anti-jihad-bus-ads-cant-be-blocked-by-mta-judge/. Läst 28 juni 2015. 
  9. ^ [a b] Dungca, Nicole (23 november 2015). ”MBTA bans all ads on political and social issues”. Boston Globe. https://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2015/11/23/mbta-votes-ban-political-advertisements/K8xyzbqqf0dDf8X6y5luLI/story.html. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  10. ^ [a b] Miller, Michael E. (22 april 2015). ”'Killing Jews is Worship' posters will soon appear on NYC subways and buses”. Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/04/22/killing-jews-is-worship-posters-will-soon-appear-on-nyc-subways-and-buses/. Läst 28 juni 2016. 
  11. ^ Islamofobiska:
  12. ^ Moon, Timur (20 juni 2013). ”EDL Invites US Anti-Muslim 'Hate Bloggers' Pam Geller and Robert Spencer to Speak at Woolwich Rally”. International Business Times. http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/articles/481268/20130620/edl-woolwich-pam-geller-robert-spencer-muslims.htm. Läst 9 februari 2014. 
  13. ^ Ivanova, Mina (2013). ”A Stab in the Eye of America or a Center for Multi-Faith Dialogue? Ideology and Contested Rhetorics Surrounding the Proposed Muslim Community Center near New York City's Ground Zero”. i Clarke Rountree. Venomous Speech: Problems with American Political Discourse on the Right and Left. ABC-CLIO. sid. 360. ISBN 9780313398674. https://books.google.com/books?id=jf3YAQAAQBAJ&pg=PA360. ”Geller heads a small but vocal extreme right-wing group, called Stop Islamization of America. cf. note 4 (p.374) SIOA is associated with Stop Islamization of Europe, an organization with branches in nearly a dozen countries (mostly in Western Europe), founded by an eponymous Danish group that opposes immigration of Muslims to Europe.” 
  14. ^ Steinback, Robert (Summer 2011). ”Jihad Against Islam”. The Intelligence Report (Southern Poverty Law Center) (142). http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2011/summer/jihad-against-islam.