From English Wikipedia, photography made and image uploaded by en:User:Bobak. Original image location here.
English: Smog! This is a pair of photos taken in Beijing by me during a trip to the People's Republic of China in August 2005. I was in Beijing twice over a period of a week and a half, both times at the same hotel and in approximately the same room. The photo on the right (yes, the right) was taken during a sunny, otherwise clear day on my first visit. The photo on the left (yes, the left) was on my second visit, after it had rained for approximately 2 days. Both of these photos were taken in the morning around the 07:00-08:00 hour. The difference is staggering, I can say that during the day that I took the second photo the air made walking around (and I did for miles) rather difficult.
Français : Smog ! Cette paire de photographies ont été prise à Pékin durant un voyage en République populaire de Chine en août 2005. A Pékin deux fois sur une durée d'une semaine et demin, les deux fois dans le même hôtel, approximativement dans la même chambre. La photographie de droite (oui, droite) est prise pendant une journée ensoleillée, autrement plus clair lors de la première visite. La photographie de gauche (oui, à gauche), était pendant la seconde visite, après deux jours de pluie. Ces deux photos furent prisent le matin, en environs de 7h à 8h. La différence est incroyable, Je peux dire que pendant la journée de la seconde photo, l'air à rendu la marche aux allentours (et j'ai parcourus de nombreux miles), plutôt difficile.
Photos taken by Bobak Ha'Eri, in August 2005. Please observe license and properly cite in use outside Wikipedia. If you have any questions about the licensing, please feel free to use the contact information at my user page.
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From English Wikipedia, photography made and image uploaded by [[:en:User:Bobak]]. Original image location [[:en:Image:BeijingSmogComparison-Aug2005a.gif here]].
==Original image information==
This is a pair of photos taken in Beijing by me during a trip
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Creative Commons Erkännande-Dela lika 3.0
GNU Free Documentation License
Creative Commons Erkännande 2.5 Generisk
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augusti 2005
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272 265 byte
360 pixel
960 pixel
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