Attribution: Whenever you use this photo, you will have to give attribution in a reasonable manner.
Norsk bokmål: Dette fotografiet kan fritt brukes hvis du følger betingelsene i Creative Commons Navngivelse-Del på samme vilkår 3.0-lisensen. Hvis du vil bruke fotografiet uten å følge lisensen, vennligst kontakt fotografen for å bli enig om en pris.
English: This photo can be used freely under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 license. For other uses, please contact the photographer to negotiate a fee.
Distribution: Whenever you distribute this work, you have to mention that the work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 3.0 License, and provide a link to the Creative Commons Deed.
In short: You are allowed to freely distribute and modify this photo, as long as you credit the photographer as “Photo: Jarle Vines (Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike 3.0)”
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Dodaj jednolinijkowe objaśnienie tego, co ten plik pokazuje
{{Information |Description= Sigurd Rushfeldt, player for Tromsø IL |Source= Own work |Date= 5. october 2008 |Author= Jarvin |Permission=GDFL |other_versions= }} Category:Players of Tromsø IL == [[Commons:Copyright tags