
Yuan She

Yuan She (袁赦; fl.150 – 179) was a Chinese court eunuch and politician during the Eastern Han dynasty. He rose to power during the reign of Emperor Huan of Han (r. 146–168), for his involvement in the downfall of the powerful consort kin Liang Ji. He continued to wield influence during the reign of Emperor Huan's successor, Emperor Ling (r. 168–189).


According to Book of the Later Han, Yuan She was a clansman of Yuan Wei, an uncle of Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, and held the position of zhong changshi (中常侍; "Central Regular Attendant"). Using his influence within the imperial harem, Yuan She helped to support Yuan Wei and Yuan Feng (Shao's and Shu's father), who were then high-ranking officials in the Eastern Han court. In turn, Wei and Feng also used their influence to help Yuan She. Thus, the Yuan clan of Ru'nan grew powerful and influential; their power and influence were greater than other clans of the era.[1]


In August 159, Liang Ji's younger sister Empress Liang Nüying died. Liang, in order to continue to control Emperor Huan, had adopted his wife's beautiful cousin (a stepdaughter of her uncle Liang Ji (梁紀—note different character despite same pronunciation)), Deng Mengnü, as his own daughter, changing her family name to Liang. He and his wife Sun Shou gave Liang Mengnü to Emperor Huan as an imperial consort, and, after Empress Liang's death, hoped to have her eventually created empress. To completely control her, Liang Ji planned to have her mother, Lady Xuan (), killed, and in fact sent assassins against her, but the assassination was foiled by Yuan She, who was a neighbor of Lady Xuan.[2] Lady Xuan then reported the assassination attempt to Emperor Huan, who was greatly angered. He entered into a conspiracy with eunuchs Tang Heng, Zuo Guan, Shan Chao (單超), Xu Huang (徐璜), and Ju Yuan (具瑗) to overthrow Liang. Eventually, the plot was successful.[3]

In May 179, official Yang Qiu (阳球) submitted a formal petition against eunuchs Wang Fu and Cao Jie, and Grand Commandant Duan Jiong (段颎) who had aligned himself with Wang and Cao. Yuan She, fellow Attendant Chunyu Deng (淳于登) and other eunuchs were also implicated. While Yuan She,[4] Cao Jie and Chunyu Deng survived after a stint in prison, Wang Fu and Duan Jiong eventually died in prison.[5][6]


  1. ^ (时中常侍袁赦,隗之宗也,用事于中。以逢、隗世宰相家,推崇以为外援。故袁氏贵宠于世,富奢甚,不与它公族同。) Houhanshu, vol.45
  2. ^ (和熹皇后从兄子郎中邓香妻宣,生女猛,香卒,宣更适梁纪;纪,孙寿之舅也。寿以猛色美,引入掖庭,为贵人,冀欲认猛为其女,易猛姓为梁。冀恐猛姊婿议郎邴尊沮败宣意,遣客刺杀之。又欲杀宣,宣家与中常侍袁赦相比,冀客登赦屋,欲入宣家,赦觉之,鸣鼓会众以告宣。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.54
  3. ^ Zizhi Tongjian, vol.54
  4. ^ Vol.57 of Zizhi Tongjian recorded that after killing Wang Fu and his adopted son, Yang Qiu said to an official, "Let's remove those corrupt officials with great power first, before we discuss how to remove the corrupt officials who are less powerful. Powerful officials, such as those young ones from the Yuan clan, can be handled by you, and do not require action from me." After the officials heard these words, they all held their breath (球既诛甫,欲以次表曹节等,乃敕中都官从事曰:“且先去权贵大猾,乃议其馀耳。公卿豪右若袁氏儿辈,从事自办之,何须校尉邪!”权门闻之,莫不屏气。). This implied that Yuan She was also killed during this incident. Regardless, there were no further records on Yuan She's activities in official histories.
  5. ^ (王甫、曹节等奸虐弄权,扇动内外,太尉段颎阿附之。节、甫父兄子弟为卿、校、牧、守、令、长者布满天下,所在贪暴。甫养子吉为沛相,尤残酷,凡杀人,皆磔尸车上,随其罪目,宣示属县,夏月腐烂,则以绳连其骨,周遍一郡乃止,见者骇惧。视事五年,凡杀万馀人。尚书令阳球常拊髀发愤曰:“若阳球作司隶,此曹子安得容乎!”即而球果迁司隶。 甫使门生于京兆界辜榷官财物七千馀万,京兆尹杨彪发其奸,言之司隶。彪,赐之子也。时甫休沐里舍,颎方以日食自劾。球诣阙谢恩,因奏甫、颎及中常侍淳于登、袁赦、封□羽等罪恶,[光和二年四月]辛巳,悉收甫、颎等送洛阳狱,及甫子永乐少府萌、沛相吉。球自临考甫等,五毒备极;萌先尝为司隶,乃谓球曰:“父子既当伏诛,亦以先后之义,少以楚毒假借老父。”球曰:“尔罪恶无状,死不灭责,乃欲论先后求假借邪!”萌乃骂曰:“尔前奉事吾父子如奴,奴敢反汝主乎!今日临坑相挤,行自及也!”球使以土窒萌口,棰扑交至,父子悉死于杖下;颎亦自杀。乃僵磔甫尸于夏城门,大署榜曰:“贼臣王甫。”尽没入其财产,妻子皆徙比景。) Zizhi Tongjian, vol.57. The same volume also recorded that later that year, Cao Jie accused Yang Qiu and other officials of treason; Yang and these officials later died in prison.
  6. ^ Yang Qiu's biography in vol.77 of Book of the Later Han had an expanded list of eunuchs who were implicated in the case. (光和二年,迁为司隶校尉。王甫休沐里舍,球诣阙谢恩,奏收甫及中常侍淳于登、袁赦、封𦐇、中黄门刘毅、小黄门庞训、朱禹、齐盛等,及子弟为守令者,奸猾纵恣,罪合灭族。太尉段颎谄附佞幸,宜并诛戮。于是悉收甫、颎等送洛阳狱,及甫子永乐少府萌、沛相吉。)