
Wikipedia:WikiProject College football/Archived yearbooks

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This is a list of archived caches of American university and college yearbooks. It was developed by WikiProject College football and WikiProject College Basketball as a resource for finding references, fact-checking, and image-pulling. Anyone should feel free to make use of this list or add to it.

University Yearbook(s) Archive link(s)
Abilene Christian University Prickly Pear texashistory.unt.edu
Agnes Scott College Silhouette, The Aurora agnesscott.edu
University of Alabama Corolla ua.edu
Amherst College Olio amherst.edu
Appalachian State University The Rhododendron digitalnc.org
University of Arkansas The Cardinal uark.edu
Athens State University Oracle, Maid of Athens, Columns archive.org
Auburn University The Glomerata auburn.edu
Austin College The Chromascope texashistory.unt.edu
Babson College The Babsonian babson.edu
Baldwin Wallace University Grindstone, The X Ray, The Delphian, Palladian opal-libraries.org
Ball State University Orient bsu.edu
Bates College Mirror archive.org
Baylor University The Round-Up quartexcollections.com
Benedictine College (Kansas) Raven benedictinecollege.photoshelter.com
Bethany College (West Virginia) Bethanian, Meteor, Kodak, Log archive.org
Belmont Abbey College The Spire digitalnc.org
Boston College Sub Turri archive.org
Bowling Green State University The Key, The BeeGee bgsu.edu
Bridgewater College Ripples bridgewater.edu
Bridgewater State University Alpha, Normal Offering bridgew.edu
Brigham Young University Banyan archive.org
Bucknell University L'Agenda archive.org
University at Buffalo Iris, Buffalonian buffalo.edu
Butler University The Drift archive.org
California Institute of Technology The Big T caltech.edu
Campbell University Pine Burr digitalnc.org
Carroll University (Wisconsin) Hinakaga carrollu.edu
Case Western Reserve University Eos, Differential, Annual etc. case.edu
Central Connecticut State University The Dial ccsu.edu
Central Michigan University Chippewa cmich.edu
University of Chicago Cap and Gown uchicago.edu
University of Cincinnati The Cincinnatian cincinnatilibrary.org
Colby College Oracle colby.edu
University of Connecticut Nutmeg uconn.edu
Cornell College (Iowa) The Sibylline, Souvenir, Royal Purple cornellcollege.edu
Cumberland University The Phoenix' archive.org
Daniel Baker College The Trail texashistory.unt.edu
Davidson College Quips and Cranks archive.org, digitalnc.org
University of Dayton Daytonian udayton.edu
University of Detroit Mercy Red and White, The Tower, Tower, Catapult udmercy.edu
Drake University The Quax drake.edu
Duke University The Chanticleer archive.org, digitalnc.org
East Carolina University The Tecoan, The Buccaneer digitalnc.org
Eastern Illinois University The Warbler daillinois.org
Eastern Michigan University Aurora emich.edu
Edgewood College The Torch, Edgewood College Journal, The Edge edgewood.edu
Elon College Phi Psi Cli archive.org, digitalnc.org
Florida State University The Argo, Flastacowo, Tally Ho!, Artifacts, Renegade archive.org
Fordham University Maroon fordham.edu
Fort Hays State University Reveille fhsu.edu
Franklin & Marshall College Oriflamme fandm.edu
Furman University Bonhomie furman.edu
Gardner–Webb University Bubbles, The Anchor, The Web, The Webb digitalnc.org
University of Georgia Pandora usg.edu
Georgetown University Ye Domesday Booke georgetown.edu
Georgia Institute of Technology Blueprint gatech.edu
Gonzaga University Spires gonzaga.edu
Hamline University Liner clic.edu
Hampden–Sydney College The Kaleidoscope archive.org
Hardin–Simmons University The Broncos texashistory.unt.edu
Harding University Petit Jean harding.edu
High Point University The Zenith digitalnc.org, archive.org
Hollins University The Spinster hollins.edu
Hope College Milestone hope.edu
Howard University The Bison howard.edu
Howard Payne University The Lasso texashistory.unt.edu
University of Idaho The Gem of the Mountains issuu.com
University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign The Illio archive.org
Indiana State University Normal Advance, Sycamore indstate.edu
University of Iowa The Hawkeye uiowa.edu
Iowa State University The Bomb oclc.org
Jacksonville State University Mimosa, Teacola jsu.edu
James Madison University The Bluestone, The Schoolma'am jmu.edu
Kalamazoo College many names kzoo.edu
Kansas State University Royal Purple, The Bell Clapper, Sledge, Sunrise k-state.edu
University of Kentucky The Kentuckian uky.edu
LaGrange College Quadrangle lagrange.edu
Lake Forest College Forester archive.org
Lebanon Valley College The Bizarre, The Quittapahilla archive.org
Lehigh University Epitome archive.org
Lincoln University (Missouri) The Quill, Collegian lincolnu.edu
University of Louisiana at Lafayette L'Acedien louisiana.edu
Louisiana Tech University The Lagniappe latech.edu
Loyola University Chicago The Loyolan luc.edu
Loyola University New Orleans Harmony, Wolf archive.org
University of Maine The Prism maine.edu
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania Carontawan archive.org
Mars Hill College The Laurel digitalnc.org
Marquette University Hilltop digitalmarquette.cdmhost.com
Mary Baldwin University Bluestocking archive.org
University of Maryland, College Park Reveille, Terra Mariae, Terrapin umd.edu
University of Massachusetts Amherst Index archive.org
McMurry University The Totem texashistory.unt.edu
University of Memphis The DeSoto archive.org
Meredith College Oak leaves archive.org
University of Michigan Michiganensian archive.org, umich.edu
Middle Tennessee State University Midlander mtsu.edu
Milligan University Buffalo archive.org
Millsaps College Bobashela archive.org
University of Minnesota Gopher umn.edu
University of Mississippi Ole Miss archive.org
Mississippi College L'Allegro, Tribesman archive.org
Mississippi State University Reveille archive.org
University of Missouri The Savitar umsystem.edu
Monmouth College Ravelings archive.org
Murray State University The Shield murraystate.edu
University of Nebraska–Lincoln Sombrero, Cornhusker unl.edu
New Mexico State University Swastika, The Phoenix nmsu.contentdm.oclc.org
North Dakota State Normal and Industrial School Snitcher archive.org
University of North Texas The Cotton-Tail, The Yucca, The Aerie unt.edu
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Ayantee digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Asheville The Summit digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The Hellenian, Yackety Yack archive.org, digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Charlotte The Si Si, The Buck, Carver Echoes, Carveran, The Nugget, Rogues 'N Rascals, The Prospector digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Greensboro The Carolinian, Pine Needles digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Pembroke Lumbee Tattler, The Indianhead digitalnc.org
University of North Carolina at Wilmington Fledgling digitalnc.org
North Carolina State University The Agromeck archive.org
Northeastern University The Cauldron archive.org
University of Northern Colorado Cache la Poudre unco.edu
University of Northern Iowa Old Gold uni.edu
Oberlin College Hi-o-hi oberlin.edu
Oglethorpe University Yamacraw oglethorpe.edu
Ohio University Athena, Spectrum Green archive.org
Ohio State University Makio osu.edu
Oklahoma State University The Redskin okstate.edu
Oregon Institute of Technology The Owler oit.edu
University of the Pacific The Naranjado, The Campus, Epoch pacific.edu
University of Pennsylvania Record upenn.edu
Pennsylvania State University La Vie psu.edu
PennWest Clarion Sequelle clarion.edu
Pepperdine University The Promenade, iMprints, Impressions pepperdine.contentdm.oclc.org
University of Pittsburgh Owl, Panther Prints pitt.edu
Purdue University Debris archive.org, purdue.edu
Randolph–Macon College The Yellow Jacket rmclibrary.reclaim.hosting
University of Rhode Island The Grist, The Gristette, Renaissance uri.edu
Rhodes College Lynx rhodes.edu
Rice University The Campanile archive.org
University of Richmond The Spider, The Tower, The Web richmond.edu
Rose–Hulman Institute of Technology Modulus rose-hulman.edu
Rutgers University Scarlet Letter rutgers.edu
Saint Louis University The Archive slu.edu
Samford University Entre Nous archive.org
San Diego State University Del Sudoeste sdsu.edu
Santa Clara University The Redwood scu.edu
Savannah State University Hubertonian, Tiger archive.org
Sewanee: The University of the South Cap & Gown archive.org
Springfield College Massasoit oclc.org
University of South Carolina Garnet & Black sc.edu
University of Southern California El Rodeo usc.edu
St. Bonaventure University The Laurel sbu.edu
Stanford University The Quad archive.org
Stephen F. Austin State University The Stone Fort sfasu.edu
Taylor University Ilium, The Gem archive.org
Temple University Templar temple.edu
University of Tennessee The Volunteer utk.edu
University of Texas Cactus utexas.edu
University of Texas at Arlington Junior Aggie, Reveille uta.edu
Texas A&M University Longhorn, Aggieland tamu.edu
Texas Christian University The Horned Frog tcu.edu
Texas State University Pedagog txstate.edu
Texas Tech University La Ventana ttu.edu
Tufts University The Jumbo archive.org
Tulane University Jambalaya tulane.edu
Union University Lest We Forget archive.org
United States Military Academy The Howitzer usma.edu
United States Naval Academy The Lucky Bag archive.org
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Southern Campus, Bruin Life archive.org
University of Utah Utonian utah.edu
Valparaiso University Record, Uhlan, Beacon valpo.edu
Vanderbilt University Comet, The Commodore vanderbilt.edu
University of Vermont Ariel uvm.edu
Villanova University Belle Air villanova.edu
Virginia Commonwealth University Cobblestone, Rampages archive.org
Virginia Military Institute The Bomb archive.org
Virginia Tech The Bugle vt.edu
Wake Forest University The Howler digitalnc.org
University of Washington Tyee washington.edu
Washington College (Maryland) Pegasus archive.org
Washington University in St. Louis Hatchet wustl.edu
Washington and Lee University The Calyx archive.org
Washington State University Chinook wsu.edu
Wesleyan University (Connecticut) Olla Podrida wesleyan.edu
West Chester University Pathfinder, Serpentine wcupa.edu
West Virginia University The Monticola archive.org
West Virginia Wesleyan College Murmurmontis archive.org, wm.edu
Whitman College Waiilatpu whitman.edu
Willamette University Collegian willamette.edu
College of William & Mary The Colonial Echo archive.org, wm.edu
Williams College Gulielmensian williams.edu
University of Wisconsin–Madison The Badger wisc.edu
Worcester State University The Oak Leaf archive.org
University of Wyoming The Wyo archive.org
Xavier University Musketeer xu.edu
Yale University The Yale Banner and Pot Pourri archive.org
York College of Pennsylvania The Horizon archive.org