
Wikipedia:Songs about Wikipedia/The Wikipedia Anthem

O holy thy good
O holy thy good
Work for the thee
O Work for the thee

O vandals will you keep trolling
Or Will you become the feasible bad
O vandals will you keep vandalising
Yes, will you become O Willy on Wheels

O holy thy good
O holy thy good
Work for the thee
O work for the thee
O holy thy good
O holy thy good
Work for the thee
O work for the thee

O king will you forgive us
O creator o thee please forgive us
Companions please, work for the thee
For all good-living, work for the thee

O Majesty
O Majesty
O Father thee
O Father thee......

O holy thy good
O holy thy good
Work for the thee
O Work for the thee

O sheep will you eat?
O peasants will you sleep?
O king please forgive them
They are just young lambs


His Right Highness
His Right Highness
Hi-is Right hand
Hi-is Right hand
Save these Lord
Save these Lord

Vandals please
Don't keep troling
Now this will be my last chant

Keep civilty~
Keep godness
Keep the columns
For the thee
No-ow work
No-ow work
This will be good
It's the king
But when I dream
Edits come up
This will be my last word~~!!!!!!