Wikipedia:Jewish Encyclopedia topics/M3
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1001 to 1100
1001 – 1020
- Immanuel Munk (JE | WP GWP G) German physiologist; born at Posen May 20, 1852; died in Berlin Aug. 1, 1900; brother of Hermann Munk. He studied medicine...
- Salomon Munk JE (JE | WP GWP G) At Paris. French Orientalist; born at Gross Glogau May 14, 1803; died in Paris Feb. 5, 1867. He received his first instruction...
- Bernhard Munkácsy (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian philologist and ethnologist; born at Nagy-Varad (Grosswardein) March 12, 1860; educated in his native city and at...
- Sebastian Münster (JE | WP GWP G) German Hebraist and cosmographer; born 1489 at Ingelheim; died at Basel May 23, 1552. He was educated at Heidelberg and Tü...
- Hugo Münsterburg (JE | WP GWP G) American psychologist; born at Danzig, Prussia, June 1, 1863. After being trained at the gymnasium of his native city he studied...
- Bernhard Münz (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian writer; born Feb. 1, 1856, at Leipnik, Moravia; educated at the University of Vienna (Ph.D. 1877). After leaving...
- Moses Münz (Minz) (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born about 1750 in Podolia; died 1831 at Alt-Ofen. For several years he lived at Brody, Galicia, where he...
- Sigmund Münz (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian writer; brother of Bernhard Münz; born at Leipnik, Moravia, May 7, 1859; studied at the universities of Vienna...
- Münzenberg (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H223: Hanau
- Armin Murányi (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian lawyer and journalist; born at Asszonyfa (County Raab), May 8, 1841; died at Budapest April 30, 1902. After studying...
- Murcia (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the former kingdom of Murcia, where Jews were living as early as the period of Moorish rule. When King James of...
- Murder (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H873: Homicide
- Murviedro (JE | WP GWP G) City in the old kingdom of Valencia. Its Jewish community had special privileges, and a plot of ground was assigned to it...
- Hayyim ibn Musa (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish controversialist, physician, and Biblical commentator; born at Bejar, not far from Salamanca, about 1390; died in...
- Musa of Tiflis (JE | WP GWP G) Karaite founder of a new sect in the beginning of the ninth century; a native of Za'faran, a town of Persia; hence his...
- Musa ibn Tubi (Abu 'Imran Musa ibn Tubi al-Ishbili) (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish-Arabic poet; flourished in Seville in the first half of the fourteenth century. He was the author of an Arabic poem...
- Musaf (JE | WP GWP G) Additional offering or prayer. Besides the regular morning and afternoon sacrifices offered in the Temple, the Law provided...
- Musarnikes (JE | WP GWP G) Name colloquially applied in Russia to the followers of R. Israel Lipkin (Salanter) in the study of religio-ethical works...
- Museum zur Belehrung und Unterhaltung für Israeliten (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
- Museus (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1126: Alexander
1021 – 1040
- Music and Musical Instruments (JE | WP GWP G) the development of music among the Israelites was coincident with that of poetry, the two being equally ancient, since every...
- Synagogal Music << History of religious Jewish music JE (JE | WP GWP G) It has been shown in the article Cantillation (Jew. Encyc. iii. 537b) that the desire to read the Scriptures in the manner...
- Musrim (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1018: Musarnikes
- Adolf Mussafia (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian Romance philologist; born at Spalato, Dalmatia, Feb. 15, 1835. At first intended for the medical profession, he became...
- Benjamin ben Immanuel Mussafia (Musaphia) (JE | WP GWP G) Physician and philologist of the seventeenth century, who in his Latin work on medicine calls himself Dionysius; born about...
- Hayyim Isaac Mussafia (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudist; born at Jerusalem 1760; died at Spalato, Dalmatia, June 10, 1837. He studied chiefly under David Pardo of Sarajevo...
- Mussarnikes (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M1018: Musarnikes
- Mutuality (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C753: Contract
- Asher Isaac Myers (JE | WP GWP G) English journalist; born in London 1848; died there May 11, 1902. After an early training in the clothing business Myers became...
- Maurice William Myers (JE | WP GWP G) American librarian; born in London, England, Feb. 18, 1821; died in Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 8, 1899. He emigrated to New York...
- Walter Myers (JE | WP GWP G) English physician and toxicologist; born 1871 at Birmingham; died Jan. 21, 1901, at Para, Brazil. He was educated at King...
- Myrtle (JE | WP GWP G) An evergreen, aromatic shrub which flourishes in the spring and summer on hillsides and near watercourses. In the Bible it...
- Mikhail Ignatyevich Mysh (JE | WP GWP G) Russian jurist; born at Koretz, Volhynia, Jan. 2, 1846; educated at the Jewish government school of his birthplace, at the...
- Mysticism (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C1: Cabala
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