User:UncleDouggie/smart watchlist.js
Note: After saving, you have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes. Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Safari: Hold down the ⇧ Shift key and click the Reload toolbar button. For details and instructions about other browsers, see Wikipedia:Bypass your cache.
/** Smart watchlist
* Provides ability to selectively hide and/or highlight changes in a user's watchlist display.
* Author: [[User:UncleDouggie]]
// Extend jQuery to add a simple color picker optimized for our use
( function() {
// works on any display element
$.fn.swlActivateColorPicker = function( callback ) {
if (this.length > 0 && !$colorPalette) {
return this.each( function() {
attachColorPicker( this, callback );
} );
$.fn.swlDeactivateColorPicker = function() {
return this.each( function() {
deattachColorPicker( this );
} );
// set background color of elements using the palette within this class
$.fn.swlSetColor = function( paletteIndex ) {
return this.each( function() {
setColor( this, paletteIndex );
} );
var colorPickerOwner;
var $colorPalette = null;
var paletteVisible = false;
var onChangeCallback = null; // should be able to vary for each color picker using a subclosure (not today)
var constructPalette = function() {
$colorPalette = $( "<div />" )
.css( {
width: '97px',
position: 'absolute',
border: '1px solid #0000bf',
'background-color': '#f2f2f2',
padding: '1px'
} );
// add each color swatch to the pallete
$.each( colors, function(i) {
$("<div> </div>").attr("flag", i)
.css( {
height: '12px',
width: '12px',
border: '1px solid #000',
margin: '1px',
float: 'left',
cursor: 'pointer',
'line-height': '12px',
'background-color': "#" + this
} )
.bind( "click", function() {
changeColor( $(this).attr("flag"), $(this).css("background-color") )
} )
.bind( "mouseover", function() {
$(this).css("border-color", "#598FEF");
} )
.bind( "mouseout", function() {
$(this).css("border-color", "#000");
} )
.appendTo( $colorPalette );
} );
$("body").append( $colorPalette );
var attachColorPicker = function( element, callback ) {
onChangeCallback = callback;
$( element )
.css( {
border: '1px solid #303030',
cursor: 'pointer'
} )
.bind("click", togglePalette);
var deattachColorPicker = function(element) {
if ($colorPalette) {
$( element )
.css( {
border: 'none', // should restore previous value
cursor: 'default' // should restore previous value
} )
.unbind("click", togglePalette);
var setColor = function( element, paletteIndex ) {
$(element).css( {
'background-color': '#' + colors[ paletteIndex ]
} );
var bright = brightness( colors[ paletteIndex ] );
if ( bright < 128 ) {
$(element).css( "color", "#ffffff" ); // white text on dark background
else {
$(element).css( "color", "" );
var checkMouse = function(event) {
// check if the click was on the palette or on the colorPickerOwner
var selectorParent = $($colorPalette).length;
if ( == $colorPalette[0] || == colorPickerOwner || selectorParent > 0) {
var togglePalette = function() {
colorPickerOwner = this;
paletteVisible ? hidePalette() : showPalette();
var hidePalette = function(){
$(document).unbind( "mousedown", checkMouse );
paletteVisible = false;
var showPalette = function() {
.css( {
top: $(colorPickerOwner).offset().top + ( $(colorPickerOwner).outerHeight() ),
left: $(colorPickerOwner).offset().left
} )
//bind close event handler
$(document).bind("mousedown", checkMouse);
paletteVisible = true;
var changeColor = function( paletteIndex, newColor) {
setColor( colorPickerOwner, paletteIndex );
if ( typeof(onChangeCallback) === "function" ) { colorPickerOwner, paletteIndex );
var brightness = function( hexColor ) {
// returns brightness value from 0 to 255
// algorithm from
var c_r = parseInt( hexColor.substr(0, 2), 16);
var c_g = parseInt( hexColor.substr(2, 2), 16);
var c_b = parseInt( hexColor.substr(4, 2), 16);
return ((c_r * 299) + (c_g * 587) + (c_b * 114)) / 1000;
var colors = [
'ffffff', 'ffffbd','bdffc2', 'bdf7ff', 'b3d6f9', 'ffbdfa',
'feb88a', 'ffff66','a3fe8a', '8afcfe', 'c1bdff', 'ff80e9',
'ff7f00', 'ffd733','39ff33', '33fffd', '0ea7dd', 'cf33ff',
'db0000', 'e0b820','0edd1f', '0ba7bf', '3377ff', 'a60edd',
'990c00', '997500','0c9900', '008499', '1a0edd', '800099',
'743436', '737434','347440', '346674', '1b0099', '743472' ];
} ) ();
/** Smart watchlist settings
* All settings are grouped together to support save, load, undo, import and export.
* Child objects are read from local storage or created on the fly.
* Structure of the settings object:
* settings: {
* controls: {},
* Used for control of the GUI and meta data about the settings object.
* Not subject to undo or import operations, but it is saved, loaded and exported.
* userCategories: [ (displayed category names in menu order, 1 based with no gaps)
* 1: {
* key: category key,
* name: category display name
* },
* 2: ...
* ],
* nextCategoryKey: 1 (monotonically increasing key to link page categories with display names)
* rebuildCategoriesOnUndo: "no" or "rebuild" (optimization for undo)
* wikiList: [ (in display order when sorted by wiki)
* 0: {
* domain: wiki domain (e.g., "")
* displayName: "English Wikipedia"
* },
* 1: ...
* ],
* wikis: {
* wiki domain 1: {
* watchlistToken: [ // not included for home wiki/account
* 0: { token: tokenID,
* userName: username on remote wiki }
* 1: ...
* ],
* active: boolean,
* expanded: boolen,
* lastLoad: time,
* pages { // contains only pages with settings, not everything on a watchlist
* pageID1: {
* category: category key,
* patrolled: revision ID,
* flag: page flag key,
* hiddenSections: {
* section 1 title: date hidden,
* ...
* }
* hiddenRevs: {
* revID1: date hidden,
* ...
* }
* },
* pageID2: ...
* },
* users {
* username1: {
* flag: user flag key,
* hidden: date hidden
* },
* username2: ...
* }
* },
* wiki domain 2: ...
* }
* }
// create a closure so the methods aren't global but we can still directly reference them
( function() {
// global hooks for event handler callbacks into functions within the closure scope
SmartWatchlist = {
changeDisplayedCategory: function() {
changeDisplayedCategory.apply(this, arguments);
changePageCategory: function() {
changePageCategory.apply(this, arguments);
hideRev: function() {
hideRev.apply(this, arguments);
patrolRev: function() {
patrolRev.apply(this, arguments);
hideUser: function() {
hideUser.apply(this, arguments);
processOptionCheckbox: function() {
processOptionCheckbox.apply(this, arguments);
clearSettings: function() {
clearSettings.apply(this, arguments);
undo: function() {
undo.apply(this, arguments);
setupCategories: function() {
if (setupCategories) {
setupCategories.apply(this, arguments);
else {
alert("Category editor did not load. Try reloading the page.");
var settings = {};
var lastSettings = [];
var maxSettingsSize = 2000000;
var maxUndo = 100; // dynamically updated
var maxSortLevels = 4;
// for local storage - use separate settings for each wiki user account
var storageKey = "SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' );
var storage = null;
var initialize = function() {
// check for local storage availability
try {
if ( typeof(localStorage) === "object" && typeof(JSON) === "object" ) {
storage = localStorage;
catch(e) {} // ignore error in FF 3.6 with
readLocalStorage(); // load saved user settings
// build menu to change the category of a page
var $categoryMenuTemplate = $constructCategoryMenu( "no meta" )
// no attributes other than onChange allowed so the menu can be rebuilt in setupCategories()!
.attr( "onChange", "javascript:SmartWatchlist.changePageCategory(this, value);" );
var lastPageID = null;
var rowsProcessed = 0;
// process each displayed change row
$(" tr").each( function() {
var $tr = $(this);
var $td = $tr.find("td:last-child");
var isHeader = false;
// check if this is the header for an expandable list of changes
if ( $tr.find(".mw-changeslist-expanded").length > 0 ) {
isHeader = true;
lastPageID = null; // start of a new page section
/* Parse IDs from the second link. The link text can be of the following forms:
1. "n changes" - used on a header row for a collapsable list of changes
2. "cur" - an individual change within a list of changes to the same page
3. "diff" - single change with no header row
4. "talk" - deleted revision. No page ID is present on such a row. */
var $secondLink = $td.find("a:eq(1)"); // get second <a> tag in the cell
var href = $secondLink.attr("href");
var linkText = $secondLink.text();
var pageID = href.replace( /.*&curid=/, "" ).replace( /&.*/, "" );
var revID = href.replace( /.*&oldid=/, "" ).replace( /&.*/, "" );
var user = $td.find(".mw-userlink").text();
// check if we were able to parse the page ID
if ( !isNaN(parseInt(pageID)) ) {
lastPageID = pageID;
// check for a deleted revision
else if ( $td.find(".history-deleted").length > 0 && lastPageID ) {
pageID = lastPageID; // use page ID from the previous row in the same page, if any
// unable to determine type of row
else {
pageID = null;
if (console) {
console.log("SmartWatchlist: unable to parse row " + $td.text());
if (pageID) {
$tr.attr( {
pageID: pageID,
wiki: document.domain
} );
// check if we were able to parse the rev ID and have an individual change row
if ( !isNaN(parseInt(revID) ) &&
(linkText == "cur" || linkText == "diff") ) {
// add the hide change link
$tr.attr( "revID", revID );
var $revLink = $("<a/>", {
href: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.hideRev('" + pageID + "', '" + revID + "');",
title: "Hide this change",
text: "hide change"
$td.append( $( "<span/>" )
.addClass( "swlRevisionButton" )
.append( " [" ).append( $revLink ).append( "]" )
// add the patrol prior changes link
var $patrolLink = $("<a/>", {
href: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.patrolRev('" + pageID + "', '" + revID + "');",
title: "Hide previous changes",
text: "patrol"
$td.append( $( "<span/>" )
.addClass( "swlRevisionButton" )
.append( " [" ).append( $patrolLink ).append( "]" )
// check if this is the top-level row for a page
if ( isHeader || linkText == "diff") {
// add the category menu with the current page category pre-selected
$newMenu = $categoryMenuTemplate.clone();
$td.prepend( $newMenu );
// add the page attribute to the link to the page to support highlighting specific pages
$td.find("a:eq(0)") // get first <a> tag in the cell
.attr( {
pageID: pageID,
wiki: document.domain
} )
.addClass( "swlPageTitleLink" );
// check if we parsed a user for an individual change row
if (user && !isHeader) {
// mark change row for possible hiding/flagging
$tr.attr( "wpUser", user );
if ( !$tr.attr("wiki") ) {
$tr.attr( "wiki", document.domain );
// add the hide user link
var $hideUserLink = $("<a/>", {
href: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.hideUser('" + user + "');",
title: "Hide changes by " + user + " on all pages",
text: "hide user"
$td.append( $( "<span/>" )
.addClass( "swlHideUserButton" )
.append( " [" ).append( $hideUserLink ).append( "]" )
}); // close each()
// set the user attribute for each username link to support highlighting specific users
$(".mw-userlink").each( function() {
var $userLink = $(this);
$userLink.attr( {
wiki: document.domain,
wpUser: $userLink.text()
} )
// restore last displayed category and apply display settings
selectCategoryMenu( $( "#swlSettingsPanelCategorySelector" ), getSetting("controls", "displayedCategory" ) ) );
// check if we were able to do anything
if (rowsProcessed == 0) {
.append( $( "<p/>", {
text: 'To use Smart Watchlist, enable "enhanced recent changes" in your user preferences.'
} )
.css("color", "#cc00ff")
var initDisplayControls = function() {
// set visibility of buttons and pulldowns shown on each change row
$( ".swlOptionCheckbox" ).each( function() {
$checkbox = $(this);
// restore saved checkbox setting
$checkbox.attr( "checked", getSetting("controls", [ $checkbox.attr("controlsProperty") ] ) );
// apply checkbox value to buttons
processOptionCheckbox( this );
} );
// if the desired category exists, pre-select it in the menu
// otherwise, fallback to the default selection
var selectCategoryMenu = function( $selector, category ) {
// check if page category has been deleted
if ( typeof( category ) === "undefined" ) {
$selector.attr("selectedIndex", "0"); // fallback to first option
else {
// attempt to use set page category
$selector.val( category );
if ( $selector.val() == null ) {
// desired category not in the menu, fallback to first option
$selector.attr("selectedIndex", "0");
return $selector.val(); // return actual category selected
// called when the displayed category menu setting is changed
var changeDisplayedCategory = function(category) {
setSetting( "controls", "displayedCategory", category );
// called when the category for a page is changed
var changePageCategory = function( td, category ) {
var $tr = $( td.parentNode.parentNode );
var pageID = $tr.attr( "pageID" );
var wiki = $tr.attr( "wiki" );
// convert category to a number if possible
if ( typeof( category ) === "string" ) {
var intCategory = parseInt( category );
if ( !isNaN( intCategory ) ) {
category = intCategory;
// update category selection menus for all other instances of the page
$( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][pageID="' + pageID + '"] select' ).val( category );
// update settings
snapshotSettings("change page category");
if ( category == "uncategorized" ) {
deleteSetting("wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "category")
} else {
setSetting("wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "category", category);
// hide the page immediately if auto refresh
// callback for "hide change"
var hideRev = function( pageID, revID ) {
var mode = getSetting( "controls", "displayedCategory" );
// hide the rows unless displaying everything currently
if ( mode != "all+" ) {
var $tr = $( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][revID="' + revID + '"]' ); // retrieve individual change row
// update settings
snapshotSettings("hide change");
if ( mode == "hide" ) {
deleteSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "hiddenRevs", revID ); // unhide
else {
setSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "hiddenRevs", revID, new Date() ); // hide
// callback for "patrol"
var patrolRev = function( pageID, revID ) {
var mode = getSetting( "controls", "displayedCategory" );
// hide the rows unless displaying everything currently
if ( mode != "all+" ) {
var $tr = $( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][pageID="' + pageID + '"]' ).filter( function() { // filter all rows for the page
var rowRevID = $(this).attr("revID");
return (rowRevID <= revID);
// update settings
snapshotSettings("patrol action");
setSetting("wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "patrolled", revID);
// callback for "hide user"
var hideUser = function( user ) {
var mode = getSetting( "controls", "displayedCategory" );
// hide the rows unless displaying everything currently
if ( mode != "all+" ) {
var $tr = $( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][wpUser="' + user + '"]' ); // retrieve all changes by user
// update settings
snapshotSettings("hide user");
if ( mode == "hide" ) {
deleteSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "users", user, "hide" ); // unhide
else {
setSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "users", user, "hide", new Date() ); // hide
// toggle the state of a given class of user interface elements
var processOptionCheckbox = function( checkbox ) {
var $checkbox = $(checkbox);
var $elements = $( "." + $checkbox.attr("controlledClass") );
if ( checkbox.checked ) {
if ( $checkbox.hasClass("swlColorPickerControl") ) {
.attr( "onClick", "javascript:return false;") // disable links so color picker can activate
.swlActivateColorPicker( setFlag );
else {
} else {
if ( $checkbox.hasClass("swlColorPickerControl") ) {
.attr( "onClick", "") // re-enable links
else {
setSetting( "controls", $checkbox.attr("controlsProperty"), checkbox.checked );
// callback from the color picker to flag a user or page
var setFlag = function( flag ) {
$this = $(this); // element to be flagged
var $tr = $this.parents( "tr[wiki]" );
var wiki = $tr.attr( "wiki" );
var idLabel;
var settingPath;
var $idElement;
if ( $this.hasClass("swlUserLink") ) {
idLabel = "wpUser";
$idElement = $this;
settingPath = "users";
else {
idLabel = "pageID";
$idElement = $tr;
settingPath = "pages";
var id = $idElement.attr( idLabel );
if ( typeof(id) === "string" ) {
// update the color on all other instances of the element
$( 'a[wiki="' + wiki + '"][' + idLabel + '="' + id + '"]' ).swlSetColor( flag );
// update settings
flag = parseInt( flag );
if ( !isNaN( flag ) && flag > 0 ) {
setSetting( "wikis", wiki, settingPath, id, "flag", flag );
else {
deleteSetting("wikis", wiki, settingPath, id, "flag");
// hide header rows that don't have any displayed changes
var suppressHeaders = function() {
// process all change list tables (page headers + changes)
var $tables = $("");
$tables.each( function( index ) {
var $table = $(this);
// check if this is a header table with a following table
if ( $table.filter( ":has(.mw-changeslist-expanded)" ).length > 0 &&
index + 1 < $tables.length ) {
// check if the following table has visible changes
var $visibleRows = $tables.filter( ":eq(" + (index + 1) + ")" )
.find( "tr" )
.not( ".swlHidden" );
if ( $visibleRows.length == 0 ) {
// hide a set of jQuery elements and apply our own class
// to support header suppression and later unhiding
var hideElements = function( $elements ) {
// reinitialize displayed content using current settings
var applySettings = function() {
var displayedCategory = getSetting( "controls", "displayedCategory" );
// show all changes, including heading tables
$( ".swlHidden" ).each( function() {
var $element = $(this);
if ( displayedCategory != "all+" && displayedCategory != "hide" ) { // XXX should showing these be a new option?
// hide changes by set users
$( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][wpUser]').each( function() {
var $tr = $(this);
if ( getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "users", $tr.attr("wpUser"), "hide" ) ) {
// process each change row
$( 'tr[wiki="' + document.domain + '"][pageID]').each( function() {
var $tr = $(this);
var pageID = $tr.attr("pageID");
var revID = $tr.attr("revID");
var pageCategory = getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "category" );
var pageFlag = getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "flag" );
// check if there is a page category menu on the row
var $select = $tr.find( 'select' );
if ( $select.length == 1 ) {
// select proper item in the menu
var newCategoryKey = selectCategoryMenu( $select, pageCategory );
// reset page category if the current category has been deleted
if ( pageCategory && pageCategory != newCategoryKey ) {
deleteSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "category");
pageCategory = newCategoryKey;
// check if change should be hidden
// XXX should we show changes by hidden users when in "hidden" display mode? Maybe a new option.
var visible;
if (displayedCategory == "all+") {
visible = true;
else if ( revID &&
( getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "hiddenRevs", revID ) || // specific revision is hidden
getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", pageID, "patrolled" ) >= revID // revision has been patrolled
) ) {
visible = false;
// check if page is hidden
else if ( pageCategory == "hide" && displayedCategory != "hide" ) {
visible = false;
else if (displayedCategory == "all") {
visible = true;
// check for no category
else if ( displayedCategory == "uncategorized" ) {
if (pageCategory) {
visible = false;
} else {
visible = true;
// check if page is flagged
else if ( displayedCategory == "flag" && typeof(pageFlag) !== "undefined" ) {
visible = true;
// check for selected category
else if ( pageCategory && displayedCategory == pageCategory ) {
visible = true;
else {
visible = false;
if ( !visible ) {
// hide changes to unknown pages if not displaying all pages
if ( displayedCategory != "all+" && displayedCategory != "all" && displayedCategory != "uncategorized" ) {
hideElements( $(" tr").not( '[pageID]') );
// decorate user links
$(".mw-userlink").each( function() {
var $userLink = $(this);
var user = $userLink.attr( "wpUser" );
var flag = getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "users", user, "flag" );
if ( typeof( flag ) == "number" ) {
$userLink.swlSetColor( flag );
} else {
$userLink.swlSetColor( 0 );
// decorate page titles
$( 'a[pageID]').each( function() {
var $pageTitleLink = $(this);
var flag = getSetting( "wikis", document.domain, "pages", [ $pageTitleLink.attr("pageID") ], "flag" );
if ( typeof( flag ) == "number" ) {
$pageTitleLink.swlSetColor( flag );
} else {
$pageTitleLink.swlSetColor( 0 );
// add smart watchlist settings panel below the standard watchlist options panel
var createSettingsPanel = function() {
// construct panel column 1
var $column1 = $( "<td />" ).attr("valign", "top")
$( "<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
"class": "swlOptionCheckbox",
controlledClass: "swlRevisionButton",
controlsProperty: "showRevisionButtons",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.processOptionCheckbox(this);"
} )
.append("Enable hide/patrol change buttons")
.append( "<br />" )
$( "<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
"class": "swlOptionCheckbox",
controlledClass: "swlHideUserButton",
controlsProperty: "showUserButtons",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.processOptionCheckbox(this);"
} )
.append("Enable hide user buttons")
.append( "<br />" )
$( "<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
"class": "swlOptionCheckbox swlColorPickerControl",
controlledClass: "swlUserLink",
controlsProperty: "showUserColorPickers",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.processOptionCheckbox(this);"
} )
.append("Assign user highlight colors")
.append( "<br />" )
$( "<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
"class": "swlOptionCheckbox swlColorPickerControl",
controlledClass: "swlPageTitleLink",
controlsProperty: "showPageColorPickers",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.processOptionCheckbox(this);"
} )
.append("Assign page highlight colors")
.append( "<br />" )
$( "<input>", {
type: "checkbox",
"class": "swlOptionCheckbox",
controlledClass: "swlPageCategoryMenu",
controlsProperty: "showPageCategoryButtons",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.processOptionCheckbox(this);"
} )
.append("Assign page categories");
// construct panel column 2
var $column2 = $( "<div />" )
.attr("style", "padding-left: 25pt;")
$( "<div />" ).attr("align", "center")
$("<input />", {
type: "button",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.clearSettings();",
title: "Reset all page and user settings and remove all custom categories",
value: "Clear settings"
} )
.append(" ")
$("<input />", {
type: "button",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.setupCategories();",
title: "Create, change and delete custom category names",
value: "Setup categories"
} )
.append(" ")
$("<input />", {
type: "button",
id: "swlUndoButton",
onClick: "javascript:SmartWatchlist.undo();",
title: "Nothing to undo",
disabled: "disabled",
value: "Undo"
} )
.append( "<p />" )
.append( "Display pages in: " )
$constructCategoryMenu( "meta" )
// no attributes other than onChange allowed so the menu can be rebuild in setupCategories()!
.attr( "onChange", "javascript:SmartWatchlist.changeDisplayedCategory(value);" )
$sortPanel = $( "<div />" ).attr("align", "right")
.append( "Sort order: " );
for (var i = 0; i < maxSortLevels; i++) {
.append( $constructSortMenu().attr("selectedIndex", i) )
.append( "<br />" );
if (i == 0) {
$sortPanel.append( "(not yet) " );
// construct panel column 3
var $column3 = $( "<div />" )
.attr("style", "padding-left: 25pt;")
.append( $sortPanel );
// construct main settings panel
$( "<fieldset />", {
id: "SmartWatchlistOptions"
} )
$( "<legend />", {
text: "Smart watchlist settings"
} )
$( "<table />" )
$( "<tr />" )
.append( $column1 )
$( "<td />", {
valign: "top"
} )
.append( $column2 )
$( "<td />", {
valign: "top"
} )
.append( $column3 )
if ( !storage ) {
$( "<p />", {
text: "Your browser does not support saving settings to local storage. " +
"Items hidden or highlighted will not be retained after reloading the page."
} )
.css("color", "red")
// construct a page category menu
var $constructCategoryMenu = function( metaOptionString ) {
var $selector =
$( "<select />", {
"class": "namespaceselector swlCategoryMenu",
withMeta: metaOptionString // flag so the menu can be rebuilt in setupCategories()
} );
if (metaOptionString == "meta") {
// for updating the displayed category selection
$selector.attr( "id", "swlSettingsPanelCategorySelector");
else {
// for hiding/showing page category menus
$selector.addClass( "swlPageCategoryMenu" );
// create default category, must be first in the menu!!!
var categories = [
{ value: "uncategorized", text: "uncategorized" }
// add user categories, if any
var userCategories = getSetting("userCategories");
if ( typeof(userCategories) === "object" ) {
for (var i = 0; i < userCategories.length && userCategories[i]; i++) {
var key = userCategories[i].key;
if ( typeof(key) !== "number" ) {
alert("Smart watchlist user category definitions are corrupt. You will need to clear your settings. Sorry.");
else {
categories.push( { value: userCategories[i].key, text: userCategories[i].name } )
// add special categories to settings menu
if (metaOptionString == "meta") {
{ value: "all", text: "all except hidden" },
{ value: "flag", text: "highlighted" }
categories.push( { value: "hide", text: "hidden" } );
if (metaOptionString == "meta") {
categories.push( { value: "all+", text: "everything" } );
// construct all <option> elements
for (var i in categories) {
$selector.append( $( "<option />", categories[i] ) );
return $selector;
// construct a page category menu
var $constructSortMenu = function() {
var $selector =
$( "<select />", {
"class": "namespaceselector swlSortMenu"
} );
var sortCriteria = [
{ value: "wiki", text: "Wiki" },
{ value: "title", text: "Title" },
{ value: "timeDec", text: "Time (newest first)" },
{ value: "timeInc", text: "Time (oldest first)" },
{ value: "risk", text: "Vandalism risk" },
{ value: "namespace", text: "Namespace" },
{ value: "flagPage", text: "Highlighted pages" },
{ value: "flagUser", text: "Highlighted users" }
// construct all <option> elements
for (var i in sortCriteria) {
$selector.append( $( "<option />", sortCriteria[i] ) );
return $selector;
// save settings for later undo
var snapshotSettings = function( currentAction, rebuildOption ) {
if (typeof(rebuildOption) === "undefined") {
rebuildOption = "no";
setSetting("rebuildCategoriesOnUndo", rebuildOption);
var settingsClone = $.extend( true, {}, settings );
lastSettings.push( settingsClone );
while (lastSettings.length > maxUndo) {
if (currentAction) {
currentAction = "Undo " + currentAction;
} else {
currentAction = "Undo last change";
setSetting("undoAction", currentAction);
$( "#swlUndoButton" )
.attr("disabled", "")
.attr( "title", currentAction );
// restore previous settings
var undo = function() {
if (lastSettings.length > 0) {
var currentControls = settings.controls;
settings = lastSettings.pop();
settings.controls = currentControls; // controls aren't subject to undo
// only rebuild menus when needed because it takes several seconds
if (getSetting("rebuildCategoriesOnUndo") == "rebuild") {
rebuildCategoryMenus(); // also updates display and local storage
else {
var lastAction = getSetting("undoAction");
if (!lastAction) {
lastAction = "";
$( "#swlUndoButton" ).attr( "title", lastAction );
if (lastSettings.length == 0) {
$( "#swlUndoButton" )
.attr( "disabled", "disabled" )
.attr( "title", "Nothing to undo" );
// for use after a change to the category settings
var rebuildCategoryMenus = function() {
// rebuild existing category menus
$( '.swlCategoryMenu' ).each( function() {
var $newMenu = $constructCategoryMenu( $(this).attr('withMeta') );
$newMenu.attr( "onChange", $(this).attr("onChange") ); // retain old menu action
this.parentNode.replaceChild( $newMenu.get(0), this );
} );
// update menu selections and save settings
selectCategoryMenu( $( "#swlSettingsPanelCategorySelector" ), getSetting("controls", "displayedCategory" ) ) );
// read from local storage to current in-work settings during initialization
var readLocalStorage = function() {
if (storage) {
var storedString = storage.getItem(storageKey);
if (storedString) {
try {
settings = JSON.parse( storedString );
catch (e) {
alert( "Smart watchlist: error loading stored settings!" );
settings = {};
// delete all obsolete local storage keys from prior versions and bugs
// this can eventually go away
var obsoleteKeys = [
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".markedUsers",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".markedPages",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".patrolledRevs",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".userFlag",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".pageCategory",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".pageFlag",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".patrolledRevision",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".hiddenRevs",
"SmartWatchlist." + mw.config.get( "wgUserName" ) + ".GUI",
for (var i in obsoleteKeys) {
if ( typeof( storage.getItem( obsoleteKeys[i]) ) !== "undefined" ) {
storage.removeItem( obsoleteKeys[i] );
// update local storage to current in-work settings
var writeLocalStorage = function() {
if (storage) {
var storeString = JSON.stringify( settings );
var size = storeString.length;
if ( size > maxSettingsSize ) {
storeString = "";
alert( "Smart watchlist: new settings are too large to be saved (" + size + " bytes)!" )
var lastSaveString = storage.getItem(storageKey);
try {
storage.setItem( storageKey, storeString );
catch (e) {
storeString = "";
alert( "Smart watchlist: error saving new settings!" );
// revert to previously saved settings that seemed to work
storage.setItem( storageKey, lastSaveString );
maxUndo = Math.floor( maxSettingsSize / size ) + 2;
// erase all saved settings
var clearSettings = function() {
snapshotSettings("clear settings", "rebuild");
var currentControls = settings.controls;
settings = {};
settings.controls = currentControls; // controls aren't subject to clearing
rebuildCategoryMenus(); // also updates display and local storage
// lookup a setting path passed as a series of arguments
// returns undefined if no setting exists
var getSetting = function() {
var obj = settings;
for (var index in arguments) {
if (typeof( obj ) !== "object") {
return undefined; // part of path is missing
obj = obj[ arguments[ index ] ];
return obj;
// set the value of a setting path passed as a series of argument strings
// creates intermediate objects as needed
// number arguments reference arrays and string arguments reference associative array properties
// the last argument is the value to be set (can be any type)
var setSetting = function() {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
throw "setSetting: insufficient arguments";
var obj = settings;
for (var index = 0; index < arguments.length - 2; index++) {
var nextObj = obj[ arguments[ index] ];
if (typeof( nextObj ) !== "object") {
if ( typeof( arguments[ index + 1 ] ) === "number" ) {
nextObj = obj[ arguments[ index ] ] = [];
} else {
nextObj = obj[ arguments[ index ] ] = {};
obj = nextObj;
obj[ arguments[ arguments.length - 2 ] ] = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
// delete a setting path passed as a series of argument strings if the entire path exists
var deleteSetting = function() {
if (arguments.length < 1) {
throw "deleteSetting: insufficient arguments";
var obj = settings;
for (var index = 0; index < arguments.length - 1; index++) {
// check if we hit a snag and still have more arguments to go
if (typeof( obj ) !== "object") {
obj = obj[ arguments[ index ] ];
if (typeof( obj ) === "object") {
delete obj[ arguments[ index ] ];
var initSettings = function() {
// check if home domain already exists
if ( !getSetting("wikis", document.domain) ) {
setSetting("wikis", document.domain, "active", true);
var wikiNumber = 0;
var wikiList = getSetting("wikiList");
if (wikiList) {
wikiNumber = wikiList.length;
setSetting("wikiList", wikiNumber, {
domain: document.domain,
displayName: document.domain
} );
if ( !settings.nextCategoryKey ) {
settings.nextCategoryKey = 1;
// dialog windows
var setupCategories = null;
mw.loader.using( ['jquery.ui'], function() {
setupCategories = function () {
// construct a category name row for editing
var addCategory = function ( key, name ) {
$( '<tr />' )
$( '<td />' ).append( $( '<span />' ).addClass( 'ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s' ) )
$( '<td />' ).append(
$( '<input />', {
type: 'text',
size: '20',
categoryKey: key,
value: name
} )
// jQuery UI sortable() seems to only like <ul> top-level elements
var $editTable = $( '<ul />' ).sortable( { axis: 'y' } );
for (var i in settings.userCategories) {
addCategory( settings.userCategories[i].key,
settings.userCategories[i].name );
if ( !getSetting( 'userCategories', 0 ) ) {
addCategory( settings.nextCategoryKey++, '' ); // pre-add first category if needed
var $interface = $('<div />')
.css( {
'position': 'relative',
'margin-top': '0.4em'
} )
$( '<ul />')
.append( $( '<li />', { text: "Renamed categories retain current pages." } ) )
.append( $( '<li />', { text: "Dragging lines changes the order in category menus." } ) )
.append( $( '<li />', { text: "To delete a category, blank its name." } ) )
.append( $( '<li />', { text: "Pages in deleted categories revert to uncategorized." } ) )
.append( $( '<br />' ) )
.append( $editTable )
.append( $( '<br />' ) )
.dialog( {
width: 400,
autoOpen: false,
title: 'Custom category setup',
modal: true,
buttons: {
'Save': function() {
snapshotSettings('category setup', 'rebuild');
// replace category names in saved settings
deleteSetting( 'userCategories' );
var index = 0;
$editTable.find('input').each( function() {
var name = $.trim(this.value);
if (name.length > 0) { // skip blank categories
// convert category key back into a number
var key = $(this).attr('categoryKey');
if ( typeof( key ) === "string" ) {
var intKey = parseInt( key );
if ( !isNaN( intKey ) ) {
setSetting( 'userCategories', index++, {
key: intKey,
name: name
} );
} );
'Add category': function() {
addCategory( settings.nextCategoryKey++, '' );
'Cancel': function() {
} );
} );
// activate only on the watchlist page
if ( mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") == -1 && mw.config.get("wgTitle") == "Watchlist" ) {
} ) ();