

Hi, I am a sophomore at Rice University interested in majoring in SWGS, Sociology, and Policy Studies and Poverty, Justice, and Human Capabilities. I am interested in the way economic development intersects with gender equality, especially in South Asia. I will be editing the Wikipedia page Bangladesh textile industry.

Garment Industry and Gender in Bangladesh

My first proposed topic is contributing to Wikipedia on the topic of garment factory work in Bangladesh. I am interested in this topic because my family comes from Bangladesh and is heavily involved in BRAC, a Bangladeshi nonprofit that alleviates poverty with an emphasis on female empowerment. Personally, the topic is near and dear to me. Some of the factory conditions are absurdly inhumane, and the collapse of multiple buildings onto thousands of unsuspecting workers is a travesty. At the same time, it’s important to note that the growth of this industry has increased the economic and political visibility of women in Bangladesh. I would like to explore the intersection of this sector of economic boom, workers’ conditions and rights, and the status of women.

Caleca, Alexandra Rose. "The Effects Of Globalization On Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garment Industry: The High Cost Of Cheap Clothing." Brooklyn Journal Of International Law 40.1 (2014): 279-320. Academic Search Complete. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

This is a good journal article because it touches on the various worker safety conditions (and violations thereof) in the garment industry.

Chowdhury, Md. Maruf Hossan, and Mohammed A. Quaddus. "A Multiple Objective Optimization Based QFD Approach For Efficient Resilient Strategies To Mitigate Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: The Case Of Garment Industry Of Bangladesh☆,☆☆☆This Manuscript Was Processed By Associate Editor B. Lev." Omega 57.Part A (2015): 5-21.ScienceDirect. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

This source helps explains some methods to increase productivity while taking worker safety into account.

Fernandes, Leela. Routledge Handbook of Gender in South Asia. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2014.

This is a survey over gender relations in South Asia which I think will be useful in my section about the way the garment sector has affected gender relations in Bangaldesh.

Fukunishi, Takahiro,, and Tatsufumi Yamagata. The Garment Industry in Low-income Countries: An Entry Point of Industrialization. [Basingstoke]: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

This source provides good background in the forces propelling the Bangladeshi garment industry and how it got started.

Huq, FA, M Stevenson, and M Zorzini. "Social Sustainability In Developing Country Suppliers An Exploratory Study In The Ready Made Garments Industry Of Bangladesh." International Journal Of Operations & Production Management34.5 (2014): 610-638. Social Sciences Citation Index. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

This piece analyzes the social effects in Bangladesh as a result of the booming garment industry. This will be especially helpful because I want to add an section about the social and cultural effects of the textile industry.

Nasrullah, Nakib Muhammad,, and Mia Mahmudur Rahim. CSR in Private Enterprises in Developing Countries: Evidences From the Ready-made Garments Industry in Bangladesh. Cham: Springer, 2014

More economic analysis on the role of the garment industry to changing the economic and political landscape of Bangladesh.

Rubya, Tamanna. "The Ready-Made Garment Industry: An Analysis Of Bangladesh's Labor Law Provisions After The Savar Tragedy." Brooklyn Journal Of International Law 40.2 (2015): 685-718. Legal Collection. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

A good overview of labor laws in Bangladesh, movements to improve them after the collapse, and how the international community is/is not helping.

Uddin, Mohammad Nazim. "Role Of Ready-Made Garment Sector In Economic Development Of Bangladesh." Journal Of Accounting, Business & Management 21.2 (2014): 54-70. Business Source Complete. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

Ullah, Anam. "Garment Industry In Bangladesh: An Era Of Globalization And Neo-Liberalization." Middle East Journal Of Business 10.2 (2015): 14-24. Business Source Complete. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

This article describes more of the supranational forces that spurred industrialization in Bangladesh.

Ullah, Anam. "Is Neoliberal Globalization Grief For Labour? An Experience Of Bangladeshi Garment Industry." Middle East Journal Of Business 10.2 (2015): 55-60. Business Source Complete. Web. 8 Sept. 2016.

Analysis of the social ramifications of the Bangladeshi garment industry and negative effects it has had on Bangladesh.