

Geez. Only Fritz Swanson uses this account.

/scientists that appear in many famous scientists by Edward Kraus



The below is out of date, but quaint.

Sara and I got married, and now we have a son. Some day, he will contribute articles to Wikipedia, possibly about teleportation or noodles.


Wikipedian Entry:
Name: Fritz Swanson

(Sometimes this account is used by Fritz's girlfriend, Sara Schneider who is from Cadillac, Michigan)

Advice that I need to read everyday before entering into Wikipedia: Forget about myself. Forget about authorship. Write more articles. Make Wikipedia good.

Editor of Poor Mojo's Almanac(k) http://www.poormojo.org
Lecturer at the University of Michigan
Classes taught: Creative Writing and Composition

Articles I am reading:

Sections that I am interested in and involved with:

Subjective Cultural Articles:

Concrete Articles:

More generally, Fritz worries about the existential nature of the Wikipedia.

Entries that Sara works on:

The Fritz List so I don't lose this one again.