

Hi My name is Matt Erbst. I specialize in generalization.

I have been actively using Wikipedia since its creation and was an active particpant on the [www.c2.com Portland Pattern Repository Wiki] since 1996.

I am a citizen of [www.ca.gov] living in a city called Laguna Niguel, although relocating seems likely thanks to the irrelevance of my requirement that I must live with access to Wikipedia.

I am presently very excited to have the chance in my life to be able to move anywhere so I can seize the opportunity of working for one of my favorite non-profit foundations, as my idealistic nature will allow my creativity to best reveal itself working at a foundation giving the world something wonderful.

Lucky for me: Wikimedia:Work_with_us

I aspire to focus my career to work at or with a Wikimedia foundation affiliated project.

I'm impressed with the motivations behind the Sister Sites and Outreach programs, these in particular strike me:

Here are some references for MediaWiki features & Processes I am studying:

'A Few of my outside projects:'

Buzzword Technologies I'm learning to improve my employabity and projects:

Book List created from: All Pages under Merbst/