This user thought that The Simpsons Movie was, without a doubt, the worst movie ever. Rest assured that they were on the Internet within minutes, registering their disgust throughout the world.
Hi I am 26 years old Living in Ballarat, Vic, Australia. Been editing/updating and reverting vandalism on Wikipedia now for a couple of years. My Interest are Movies/TV Shows, 4 Wheel Driving, Science, fishing and electronics.
Battlefield 2 - I brought this game around a year ago now since I had never played a game that allowed you to battle with hundreds of people online. Now, im addicted to it. Usually managing to fing the time to blow someone away once a day.
Elite Force 2 - This game is getting on in the years now but have only owned it now for a short time and loving it. Although I crack it with a level and leave it for a few weeks but I always seem to go back to it.
Colin McRae Rally 3 - Spending a long time getting through the tracks first place while going up in the levels. At the hardest now so its going slowly.
I have also uploaded a few video's up to YouTube in the few years that I have been browsing it. Here are some videos I have found on there that caught my attention.
Will It Blend? - These are a series of videos of some guy placing different objects, (golf balls, chicken and coke can, magnets.. ect.) into a blender to do what the title sugests.
Here It Goes Again, OK Go - The Band "OK Go" uploaded a video of them dancing to the song "Here it Goes Again" on Treadmill's which has now become one of the most viewed clips of all time on Youtube.
Free Hugs Campaign - A guy standing on a busy street with a "Free Hugs" sign. Amazing how many people go up to receive a hug and how good this video makes you feel.
My Talk Page
Please feel free to contact me through my talk page if you have any questions or comments. Expecially if they concern changes that I have been envolved with on Wikipedia articles. I will do my best to reply to you as soon as possible.
Star Trek series (yes all of them), and the movies
Lake Wendouree finding out more information about the lake and also how the drought is effecting it
Articles I will be Watching for 2008
Star Trek (film) - I am looking forward to seeing this movie when it comes out, and have always enjoyed watching this article grow and change with the more information that comes out to the public. I know there are allot of "trekkies" out there that are not happy about the changes being made to there universe. I say something needed to be done to give this once great show a rebirth of new life.
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Another Movie that I can't wait to be released as I am a huge fan of the Indiana Jones Movies. There is so much information in this artice as it is. Usually try to revert Vandalism or unsourced information when I see it.
Lake Wendouree - Keeping an eye on this article while trying to place more information in. Current drought has completely drained it of water. In my home town so that's the main reason for watching this article.
Spaceballs: The Animated Series - Watching this article to see how the progress of the show is coming along. Even to see if will be released! Revert Vandalism and false information.
Star Trek: Phase II (fan series) - Was very impressed with this show as only beng a internet fan show. The effects and acting gets better and better with each passing show. Always come to this Wiki page to see the latest information on the show and characters. Revert Vandalism and false claims.
Red Dwarf - Even though the show has suspended production now for a few years the Wiki article seems to lively. Even though most edits I find to this and the characters pages are either Vandalism or False information. Always try to correct information that I see not right as I have been a huge fan of the show for many years now, and many more to come.
Battlefield 2 - Brought this game last year as I have never owned a game where you can play massive ammount of people On-Line. Loved it ever since and still trying to work through the ranks. Learnt alot about the game from the Wiki page and since then have added information and removed vandalism and false information.
Star Trek (film) - Still about a year left before the new stories of the Enterprise hits the screen. By keeping up with the latest info about this film it seems as though alot of though is going into it. I think it needs a change, although other trekkies out there may set there phasers to kill against me.