Pink or Blue?
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
Oh what joys are in store for you!
And as your lungs still gasp for air
Adjusting to the cold and light
Upside down and full of fright
our heart would fill with such delight
If you knew, dear Pink or Blue
That as you gasp there soft and bare
our colored life's already there
Folded neatly by the chair
Color-coded things to wear
Colored toys and combs for hair
Show you just how much we care
And of course the greatest prize:
We look at your with colored eyes
We adore you, little hue
With our loving colored view
Of every little thing you do
Welcome to this world so new
Where every sound or word you say
Warms our hearts in shaded ways
And every little thing you are
Is color-coded from afar
Ah, and of course, your colored Mask
And what is that? We knew you'd ask
Explaining that, is quite a task..
Don't let worries in your head
As you lay there on the bed
Let us demonstarte instead
As your mask is slowly fed
By days and years, into your head
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
What kind of life shall we plan for you?
No need to answer, my little hue
ou mask already is prepared for you
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
Which emotions shall we tear out of you?
Initially, they're just forbidden
Out of your soul they will be ridden
The mental scars will keep them hidden
Even from you, my little hue
Blue or Pink? Blue or Pink?
Blue or Pink? Blue or Pink?
It's not your job to ask or think
Open wide, imbibe the drink
Around your face saran-wrap shrinks
Into your premolded mask
So you can breathe easy
In your role.
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
So little time, so much do to
Emotional cuts in store for you
Pink or Blue? Pink or Blue?
Which fears shall we inject in you?
Which self-loathings, what impurity?
Which colors of insecurity?
How DARE you fear, how DARE you cry!
(Or else stay pinkly cute and shy)
How DARE you have a soft side BO
(Or else stay smiling, soft, and coy)
[Continued in part II]
Copyright 2013 by Purplelove/MaleLiberation