Most of the really blurry pictures were taken with camera binoculars, and they were the best I could do in the situation, so take it easy.
New Mexico
- Lazuli Bunting, above Pilar, New Mexico
- Neotropic Cormorants, Bosque del Apache
- Sandhill Cranes, ditto
- Proving the existence of Ross's Geese (as if there were any doubt), ditto
- Canyon Towhee in its natural habitat next to a trailer, Santa Fe Community College, New Mexico
- Plumbeous Vireo (Vireo plumbeus) from another trip to the same place near Pilar.
- Pecos Mariposa Lily (Calochortus gunnisonii var. perpulchra—a variety found only in a small area of New Mexico), Hamilton Mesa, Santa Fe National Forest.
- Corallorrhiza maculata, too bad there were already much better pictures.
- Horned Lark, LVNWR again
- Ross's Goose, Bosque del Apache again
- Immature Ross's Goose (small at left) with Lesser Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache
- Gray-headed Dark-eyed Junco, Northern New Mexico College, Española
- Pilgrims at hilltop shrine between Nambé and Chimayó, Good Friday
- Aid station for pilgrims
- Pilgrims waiting to get into Santuario
- Crowd of pilgrims, including man carrying cross
- Oldies
- A more modern, "import" lowrider
- The Santa Cruz church
- cars in Española
- the Bond House in Española
- Sign advertising panocha
- Female Lesser Scaup, Rio Grande Nature Center, Albuquerque
- Canada Geese courting, ditto
- Cliff fendlerbush near Santa Cruz Lake
- Silvery Lupin on the road to Borrego Mesa
- Silky pasqueflower, closer to Borrego Mesa
- ditto
- Silvery Lupin right next to the other one, showing leaf texture for identification
- Better Gray-headed Junco, Borrego Mesa
- Bee fly of the genus Anthrax on my pants, Borrego Mesa
- male Blue Grosbeak
- Better Plumbeous Vireo two years after the one above but at the same place
- crop of previous picture
- Better Cordilleran Flycatcher, Santa Fe Ski Basin
- corn lily flowers, ditto
- corn lily, ditto
- Franciscan lungwort/bluebell, ditto
- Santa Fe phlox (accept no other common names), Randall Davey Audubon Center, Santa Fe
- flower of a different Santa Fe phlox plant, ditto
- the rare white-flowered form, ditto
- rare yellow-bracted form of the foothills paintbrush, Randall Davey Audubon Center. Thanks to Mark Eggers for ID.
- ditto, thanks again
- common, red-flowered form, ditto
- bearberry honeysuckle in fruit, Santa Fe Ski Area
- white marsh marigold, ditto
- Purple Geranium
- Another one
- MacDougal's verbena, Black Canyon campground, Santa Fe National Forest
- oshá leaves (accept no other common name), Winsor Trail, ditto
- flowers and leaves ditto
- common alpine, Santa Fe Ski Basin
- Heart-leaved bittercress, ditto
- Sickletop lousewort, ditto
- hoary cress flowers with female sweat bee of the genus Lasioglossum, subgenus Dialictus. Thanks to Eric R. Eaton for ID at BugGuide.
- Say's Phoebe nest, Española
- A fledgeling Common Starling, Santa Cruz, New Mexico
- closer crop
- (Golden smoke) flowers, Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo
- plant ditto
- Astragalus praelongus, U.S. 84/285 near Pojoaque, New Mexico
- flowers of same. Thanks to Al Schneider for confirming ID.
- Rush milkvetch (Astragalus lonchocarpus) flowers, Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe
- pods of same
- Sage Sparrow, El Rito, New Mexico. Too bad he blinked.
- Red-whiskered clammyweed (family Cleomaceae), lower part of F. R. 144
- Calypso orchids, Winsor Trail near Santa Fe Ski Basin
- Parry's or bog primrose, with snow, ditto, a couple miles farther up
- Flower ditto
- Nambé Lake to illustrate cliché
- Western Tiger Swallowtail on peony, Agua Fria Nursery, Santa Fe, same purpose
- Sweet sand verbena, U.S. 84 near Medanales
- flowers of same
- Vaccinium myrtillus among quaking aspen, Santa Fe National Forest
- Texas croton or doveweed, La Puebla
- flower of same plant (male)
- flower of female plant
- Cota (accept no other common names), Thelesperma megapotamicum, ditto.
- flower of same species
- alpine bitterweed, Tetraneuris brandegeei, near Tesuque Peak
- flower of same species
- better Sage Sparrow, same place as the one above
- same individual as previous
- juvenile Sage Sparrow, probably the offspring of the previous bird
- Male variegated meadowhawk, still near El Rito
- A bee assassin, Apiomerus montanus, Pecos National Historical Park. Thanks to V. Belov and D. R. Swanny at for ID.
- Brook saxifrage, Santa Fe Ski Basin
- Closer view of bearberry honeysuckle berries, Santa Fe Ski Basin
- Felwort, Gentianella amarella, ditto
- Gray Vireo, Sandoval County
- Orange sneezeweed, near Santa Fe Ski Basin
- ditto
- Police-car moth, on orange sneezeweed, same meadow
- ditto, showing hindwings
- White Checkermallow, still the same meadow
- ditto
- Pinedrops, Ortiz Mountains Educational Preserve
- ditto, flowers
- ditto, fruit
- Mormon fritillary, Speyeria mormonia. Thanks to David J. Ferguson at for ID.
- Male (front) and female Purplish Coppers, near the Santa Fe Ski Basin. Thanks to David J. Ferguson at for ID confirmation.
- Female from previous picture
- Coulter's horseweed, Laennecia coulteri, Apache Springs Trail, Bandelier
- Narrow goldenrod, ditto
- Bahia, ditto
- Undescribed bee fly of the genus Exoprosopa, Walnut Canyon, Carlsbad Caverns NP. Thanks to Andy Calderwood at for this information.
- Red-winged Grasshopper, Arphia pseudonietana, subfamily Oedipodinae, Rattlesnake Springs, Carlsbad Caverns NP. Thanks to Eric Eaton at for confirming ID.
- Male Ebony Grasshoppper, Boopedon nubilum, subfamily Gomphocerinae, Rattlesnake Springs
- Same grasshopper
- Little-Leaf Sumac, ditto
- Catclaw Acacia, same national park, five months later. Thanks to Wynn Anderson for correcting my ID.
- Three-seed Phlox, still Carlsbad Caverns NP
- Feather Dalea, ditto
- Oblique-lined Tiger Beetle, Cicindela tranquebarica, bottom of White Rock Canyon
- King's Lupin, Santa Fe Botanical Gardens Ortiz Mountain Preserve
- ditto
- Macauley's Alpine Buttercup, near Tesuque Peak
- Podistera eastwoodiae, ditto. Thanks to John Bregar and Patrick Alexander for ID.
- Mayfly, Siphlonurus occidentalis, Aspen Vista Trail, Santa Fe National Forest. Thanks to Roger Rohrbeck at for ID.
- Better Common Alpine, Santa Fe Ski Basin
- ditto
- King's Crown, near Santa Fe Ski Basin
- Parry's Lousewort, ditto
- same plant
- Inflated Penstemon, Borrego Mesa. Thanks to Bob Sivinski for ID.
- Ditto.
- Pecos Baldy and Santa Fe Baldy
- Scarlet Gilia, Aspen Vista Trail
- Dotted Saxifrage near Lake Peak
- Dandelion Butterwort near Lake Peak
- finally got a decent Purple Geranium, near Rio Mora campground, Santa Fe National Forest
- Yellow Owl's-Clover, east of Grass Mountain, Pecos Wilderness
- Gaura coccinea at night, Santa Cruz.
- Say's Phoebe on nest, Orilla Verde
- Leafhopper nymph of the genus Idiocerus, my arm, San Cristobal Canyon, Taos County, New Mexico. Thanks to Andy Hamilton at for ID.
- Caterpillars of the genus Gnophaela, San Cristobal Canyon. Thanks to John and Jane Balaban at for ID.
- Exoprosopa caliptera, ditto.
- Purple Nama, La Puebla
- Ditto
- Flower longhorn beetle, Trachysida aspera, on oshá flowers, Northside at Taos Ski Valley. Thanks to V. Belov and I. P. Swift at for identification.
- Golden crownbeard, Rabbit Road, Santa Fe
- Many-flowered Blazing Star, Rabbit Road
My yard
- Cane Cholla in March snow next to my yard
- Cane Cholla flowers and fruit
- Ladder-backed Woodpecker in the cholla already pictured
- The quest continues!
- Blue Flax in my garden
- Silverleaf nightshade ditto
- May 2006
- ditto
- ditto
- Fendler's hedgehog (Echinocereus fendleri) ditto
- "cane" or dried stem of Cane Cholla, collected at El Dorado, New Mexico, photographed at my house.
- ditto
- Thyme-leaf Spurge in my garden
- Mountain Chickadee on that same cholla
- On a sunflower seedhead this time
- Pink-sided Dark-eyed Junco, first success in a six-week-long quest
- If that's the second success, it came one minute after the first.
- Sandhill Cranes, and are those geese at right?
- Iris bucharica flower
- the whole plant
- Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha flower, fully open in the sun
- a whole plant
- House Finch nest and eggs
- Yellow salsify seedhead
- ditto
- male Black Witch on my porch
- Fledgeling Black-headed Grosbeak that J. R., Robin, and Alexis rescued from a cat
- Ammophila digger wasp with caterpillar
- ditto, thanks to John Ascher for ID at BugGuide
- Female Protandrena mexicanorum, mining bee of the subfamily Panurginae, on a silverleaf nightshade flower, thanks to John Ascher for ID at BugGuide
- Solanum exomalopsis (Exomalopsis solani), bee of the tribe Exomalopsini, on Solanum elaeagnifolium flower, thanks to John Ascher for ID at BugGuide
- a kind of moon carrot, Seseli gummiferum
- flowers of plant in previous picture
- Tylosis maculatus, spotted tylosis or red and black longhorn beetle
- devil's-claw (Proboscidea parviflora) flower
- fruits of same
- seeds of same
- male Hairy Woodpecker to show tongue
- same bird, sharper
- We didn't have a picture of a robin in snow.
- mat daisy (Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus)
- same plant, flower detail
- same variety, flowers closed
- Tulipa bakeri cv "Lilac Wonder"
- Tulipa batalinii cv "Bright Gem"
- digger wasp, apparently Prionyx atratus or subatratus, family Sphecidae, on mat daisy
- same wasp, thanks to John Ascher at BugGuide for ID
- Bitterbrush flowers
- Echinocereus fendleri, Fendler's hedgehog
- Female Prionyx parkeri, thanks to Eric Eaton and John Ascher at for ID
- Same wasp
- Bee fly of the genus Dipalta
- ditto
- Female mining bee, Protandrena mexicanorum. Thanks to John Asher at for ID.
- Wasp of the genus Tachytes (family Crabronidae). Thanks to Edward Trammel at for ID.
- Male bee of the genus Dieunomia, subgenus Epinomia, probably D. nevadensis, probably subspecies arizonensis. Thanks to John Ascher at for ID.
- Another one.
- Bee fly of the genus Systoechus. Thanks to Joel Kits at for ID.
- Ditto.
- Fly of the genus Poecilanthrax, really. Thanks to Andy Calderwood at for ID.
- Ditto.
- Bug of the genus Narnia, family Coreidae
- Same individual. Thanks to Brad Barnd at BugGuide.Net for ID.
- Ditto.
- Tulip alba caerulea occulata or whatever you call it
- Bug of the genus Harmostes, family Rhopalidae
- Ditto, showing beak
- Peleteria again. Thanks to Norm Woodley at for ID.
- Same fly
- House Finch nestlings
- Spider wasp, Allochares azureus, in my house. Thanks to Nick Fensler at for ID.
- Digrammia irrorata moth on my outside wall. Thanks to Maury J. Heiman at for ID.
- Wooly Dalea, La Puebla. Thanks to Chick Keller for confirming ID.
- Bristle Flax, ditto. Thanks to Bob Sivinski for ID.
- Isodontia elegans, a grass-carrying wasp of the family Sphecidae. Thanks to John Ascher at for ID.
- Female ichneumon wasp of the genus Anomalon, subfamily Anomaloninae, on Penstemon strictus. Thanks to Ken Wolgemuth and Bob Carlson at for ID.
- Flower of long-flowered four-o'clock
- Male subimago of the mayfly Baetis tricaudatus, my arm. Thanks to Roger Rohrbeck at for ID.
- Male imago, my porch screen. Thanks again to Roger Rohrbeck at
- Tachinid fly of the genus Oestrophasia, same screen. Thanks to Norm Woodley at for ID.
- same fly
- ditto
- ditto
- Tachinid fly of the genus Zelia, my porch. Thanks to Norm Woodley at for ID.
- Female Mountain Digger Bee. Thanks to John Ascher at for ID.
- Bee fly of the genus Lepidanthrax. Thanks to Joel Kits at for ID.
- Tachinid fly of the genus Juriniopsis on my porch. Thanks to Norm Woodley at for ID.
- Ditto
- Ditto
- Dwarf Chamisa, garden plant
- "Dirt-colored seed bug" of the species Uhleriola floralis
- Hover fly of the species Copestylum haagei. Thanks to Martin Hauser at] for ID.
- Treehopper of the genus Micrutalis on my finger. Thanks to Andy Hamilton at for ID.
- Female clearwing moth of the species Zenodoxus canescens. Thanks to William H. Taft at for ID.
- Ditto
Jemez Mountains
- Cordilleran Flycatcher, Upper Crossing Trail, Bandelier
- Plumbeous Vireo nest, ditto
- New Mexico locust flowers, ditto
- ditto
- mountain ninebark, Forest Road 144
- bark ditto
- waxflower, Forest Road 144
- ditto
- Silver-spotted skipper that just laid an egg on my sock, Forest Road 144
- Ceanothus fendleri, ditto
- Inflorescence of above, Upper Crossing Trail, Bandelier
- detail of previous photo
- Ash-throated Flycatcher, back to F. R. 144
- Rock spirea or mountain spray, ditto
- Penstemon virgatus, ditto
- just the flowers
- Weidemeyer's Admiral on waxflower, F. R. 144
- male Warbling Vireo, ditto
- Western Wood-Pewee nest with young, Cerro Grande Trail, Bandelier National Monument
- tachinid fly of the genus Peleteria, Cerro Grande, Bandelier
- same fly
- same fly, different focus
- Monument plant, Frasera speciosa, or whatever you call it, Cerro Grande
- Flies of the genus Tachina mating, Cerro Grande. Thanks to Norm Woodley at for ID.
- Mexican cloudywing, F. R. 144
- crop of previous
- Same species
- Little-leaf alumroot, Chicoma
- Parry's lousewort, ditto
- monument plant, ditto
- King's crown, Rhodiola integrifolia
- Slide butterweed or tall blacktip ragwort, trail from F. R. 144 to Chicoma
- ditto
- Milbert's tortoiseshell, F. R. 144
- Trumpet gooseberry with berries, Apache Springs Trail
- Pinesap, ditto
- another one
- Wild bergamot, ditto.
- Trumpet gooseberry, ditto.
- Flower of Fendler's sandwort, Arenaria fendleri
- Whole plant
- better Weidemeyer's admiral
- Sulfur paintbrush, San Pedro Parks Wilderness
- Ditto
- Rocky Mountain Hemlock-Parsley, San Pedro Parks
- Ditto
- Ditto
- Towering Jacob's Ladder or Leafy Sky Pilot, San Pedro Parks
- Fendler's ragwort, San Pedro Parks
- Ditto
- Ditto
- Small-leaf Angelica, San Pedro Parks
- Ditto
- Grayish Saltator. Thanks to Jimfbleak and Sabine's Sunbird for ID discussion.
- the cave where the earliest known corn was found
- tree-fern frond
- escaped Crocosmia
- unidentified lupine
- male Hartlaub's Bustard (thanks to JMK for id)
- Gabar Goshawk (thanks to JMK for id)
- Same bird temporarily abandoning egg
- White-bellied Bustard (Eupodotis senegalensis canicollis)
- African Pipit—don't bother clicking
- adult male African Stonechat
- Olive Thrush or Mountain Thrush
- Hildebrandt's Starling (thanks to JMK for id)
- Fork-tailed or Common Drongo
- Northern Black Flycatcher (thanks to JMK for id)
- chick of the bird in the previous picture
- All this time I had a better Brubru.
- Emerald-spotted Wood Dove with emerald spots
- a sharper one
- Cheetah to illustrate kleptoparasitism
- Spotted Hyena ditto
- Hyenas and vultures ditto
- African Pygmy Falcons. Not my best picture of them, but it shows the eyespots.
- Swahili Sparrow—see below for a better one
- Baglafecht Weavers (black and yellow) and female Village Weaver
- African Grey Flycatcher (thanks to JMK and Brian Finch of for confirming the id)
- Rufous-naped Lark (thanks to JMK for slightly tentative id)
- female Southern Ground Hornbill tossing a grasshopper into her throat
- Lappet-faced Vultures (left) and a White-backed Vulture
- Better picture of a Swahili Sparrow
- female Purple Grenadier
- Pack of Banded Mongooses—not very good, but it shows their social behavior
- Partial view of a Hammerkop nest
- File:==Other places==
- Golden Mariposa Lily, Petrified Forest National Monument, Arizona
- Tall Mountain Larkspur, ditto