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Hello, I am James Teterenko. I joined Wikipedia on June 2, 2004. On July 27, 2005, I became an administrator. If you want to know who to blame for this, see here.

I am a Ukrainian Canadian living in Calgary, AB. I grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba, graduating from the University of Manitoba.

My article contributions tend to concentrate on Calgary, Winnipeg, Ukrainian culture, lacrosse and ice hockey. I have also done some work around overall Canadian history. My interest in editing tends to meander. Some days I write full articles, some days stubs, sometimes I search for public domain pictures, others I just fix typos. One day, I was home sick from work and just wrote about hockey history. Whatever I do, I do it with the intent of making this a better Encyclopedia. It has also been a mechanism for me to learn about topics that interest me. I now know a lot more about the various topics noted below than I did when I started.


Some interesting sources that I have used are:

My contributions

I stopped maintaining my list of contributions, as it doesn't really add too much value. So, if you really want to see what I have been editing, check my contribution history.

Articles I have helped become featured:

Louis Riel Niagara Falls