This user contributes to Wikibooks, and you should too!
I don't understand - what have I misunderstood?
— TheGoodLocust 19:24, 28 October 2008
You have no answers, Comrade Eperoton? Fine by me. ... Maybe you don't like civil and straight-as-an-arrow Wikipedians and prefer to work with those whom you deem duplicitous phonies. Not my preference exactly. So, there is nothing much left to say except to thank you for your cooperation. Do svidaniya, comrade.
— Extremecia 09:26, 29 April 2019 (UTC)
Say something memorable and you too may be featured here!
It is approximately 12:09 PM where this user lives.
Creates a link in the More portlet (PH2H) to automatically convert psuedo-headings to headings (up to 5 levels deep) on whatever page you're currently on. By using this script you agree to accept full responsibility for any edits it makes on your behalf.
This is for your hardworks for enhancing Wikipedia through technical works like creating and maintaining user scripts, programming, etc. I appreciate your selfless efforts. Thank you. PATHSLOPU 11:51, 4 June 2019 (UTC)
Hello, fellow Wikipedian. During your tenor here on Wikipedia, you are likely to encounter every fallacy, logical or illogical, formal or informal, under the sun. What you need is to arm yourself for the WP:BATTLEGROUND that Wikipedia is, arm yourself with the tools of Logic and Rhetoric. Below is a list of essential reading material.
Logic is the ability to reason clearly, infer correctly, and to deduce and induce accurately. Flawed Logic is very common on Wikipedia. One should not allow themselves to become a victim of such.
Rhetoric is the art of persuasion. Where Logic is the preparation, Rhetoric is the execution. A key skill of a Rhetorician is knowing one's audience, which, granted, may be hard on a platform which allows anonymity. One should not use the same argument against a layman that which has been tailored towards a scientist. Do not accuse nor imply, as it insults the audience's intelligence. An angry audience is not receptive to Logic.