

This is a part of Disavian's userbox collection. The views represented by the boxes here do not necessarily represent his own.


respect This user respects others' religions and realises not all people wish to follow the same path.
ath This user is an atheist.
This user is a Christian.
This user believes in Christianity.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Christian Belief}}
This user is interested in the subject or study of Christianity, but isn't necessarily a Christian.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Christian Interest}}
This user is a Jew.
This user is Jewish.
This user believes in Judaism.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Jewish Belief}}
This user is interested in the subject or study of Judaism, but isn't necessarily Jewish.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Jewish Interest}}
This user is a Pagan.
This user believes in Paganism.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Pagan Belief}}
This user is interested in Paganism, but isn't necessarily a Pagan.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Pagan Interest}}
This user is a Satanist.
This user believes in Satanism.

{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Satanist Belief}}
This user is interested in the subject or study of Satanism, but isn't necessarily a Satanist.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Satanist Interest}}
This user believes in the Noodly Appendage of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Flying Spaghetti Monster}}
This user does not believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsterism, but agrees it is as likely as creationism.
{{User:Disavian/Userboxes/Flying Spaghetti Monster Unlikely}}
This user understands biological evolution.
This user believes in the separation of church and state.