My style includes left and right brain methods for differences in learning or access style. Despite bias, data summaries (tables, graphs, etc.) are important. These tools check and balance wordiness that creates informational problems such as injection of bias disguised as fact. Facts of cause and effect are different from symptoms and opinions.
Education is both a lifelong pursuit and a remedy for hate and destruction. Of society, I value ethics, social responsibility (which legality is only part), an individual's rights, and teamwork. My foundation is formed partly by the scientific method and democracy, including human minority rights. Educated thought, better decisions, and careful work can lead to spectacular, constructive outcomes while respecting all of nature.
This user has been on Wikipedia for 14 years, 4 months and 17 days.
Writing Styles
Notes provide complete publishing information, either at the bottom of the page (footnotes) or at the end of the paper (endnotes). A raised arabic numeral in the text indicates that... [information] has been borrowed from a source (190). When you use notes as your method of documentation, you may not need a list of works cited, since complete publishing information is given in the notes themselves. [Some prefer to] ...include an alphabetized list of the works cited in the paper or a bibliography of the works you consulted, whether or not they were cited (192). Although the 1988 MLA Handbook treats in-text citations [(signal phrase with parenthetical reference)(175)] as its preferred style, it also lists the traditional notes as an acceptable alternative (190). Researchers who use the MLA system of parenthetical documentation may also use footnotes or endnotes...: 1. to provide additional information that might interrupt the flow of the paper yet is important enough to include; 2. to refer readers to sources not included in the list of works cited (179). The [APA] ...recommends [parenthetical] in-text citations that refer the reader to a list of references (works cited)(185). In APA style, the alphabetical list of works cited is entitled "References" (188).