

Earthrise over the Moon, Apollo 8, 1968
Earthrise over the Moon,
Apollo 8, 1968.
Perspective: The universe is much more than only humanity.

As a WikiGnome and WikiProjects Accessibility, Guild of Copy Editors, and Grammar member, I use Wiki standards (policies/guidelines, manuals, help, and talk) regularly to author and to edit Wikipedia articles and templates as an extended confirmed user.

I learned to write with Diana Hacker's references at one of the top fifteen "World's Best Universities" according to U.S. News (2011). For online writer's references, I highly recommend a Guide to Grammar and Writing, founded by Dr. Charles Darling, and the Purdue Online Writing Lab.

For help with commas, see {{User comma-verb}}.

My style includes left and right brain methods for differences in learning or access style. Despite bias, data summaries (tables, graphs, etc.) are important. These tools check and balance wordiness that creates informational problems such as injection of bias disguised as fact. Facts of cause and effect are different from symptoms and opinions.

Education is both a lifelong pursuit and a remedy for hate and destruction. Of society, I value ethics, social responsibility (which legality is only part), an individual's rights, and teamwork. My foundation is formed partly by the scientific method and democracy, including human minority rights. Educated thought, better decisions, and careful work can lead to spectacular, constructive outcomes while respecting all of nature.








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