
User:Buffs/FBS Trademarked logos


This is a list of all FBS teams and associated trademarked logos. The logos are either not eligible for copyright or are Public Domain images. Their use is intended in sporting event articles. As free logos, they can be here, but they are also trademarked, so, make sure you use them appropriately. Hopefully this will lead to the brand guide which should have appropriate images available



Air Force Akron Alabama Appalachian State Arizona

Arizona State Arkansas Arkansas State Army Auburn

Ball State Baylor Boise State Boston College Bowling Green

Buffalo BYU California Central Michigan Charlotte

Cincinnati Clemson Coastal Carolina Colorado Colorado State



Duke ECU Eastern Michigan FIU Florida

Florida Atlantic Florida State Fresno State University of Georgia Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Southern Georgia State Hawaiʻi Houston

Illinois Indiana Iowa Iowa State James Madison University


Kansas Kansas State Kent State Kentucky Liberty University

Louisiana Louisiana Tech Louisiana-Monroe Louisville LSU Marshall

Maryland Massachusetts Memphis Miami Miami University

Michigan Michigan State Middle Tennessee Minnesota Mississippi State

Missouri Navy NC State Nebraska Nevada

New Mexico New Mexico State North Carolina UNC-Charlotte North Texas

Northern Illinois Northwestern Notre Dame


Ohio Ohio State Oklahoma Oklahoma State Old Dominion

Ole Miss Oregon Oregon State Penn State Pittsburgh

Purdue Rice Rutgers San Diego State San Jose State

South Alabama SMU South Carolina South Florida Southern Miss

Stanford Syracuse


TCU Temple Tennessee Texas Texas A&M

Texas State Texas Tech Toledo Troy Tulane


UNLV USC Utah Utah State UTEP

UTSA Vanderbilt Virginia Virginia Tech Wake Forest

Washington Washington State West Virginia Western Kentucky Western Michigan

Wisconsin Wyoming

Georgetown Harvard Idaho VMI Yale