Hello, I'm Matthew, a student studying marketing at Western Washington University. s
Articles which I've wrote
- Economic shortage
- Benaroya Hall
- Eastern Oregon University
- Joint Operating Agreement
- Suburban infill
- Western Washington University
Articles which I've contributed a great deal to
- Hubbert's Peak
- ethnocentrism
- Dale Chihuly
- Costco
- Seattle, Washington
- Eugene, Oregon
- Portland, Oregon
- Denver, Colorado
- Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- Seattle Times
- The Stranger (newspaper)
Other work
I've also spent much time adding cities to the "Seattle metropolitan area" category and creating census maps to add to pages that belong to this region.
Websites & contact info
My personal websites can be found at Myspace[1] and Xanga [2]. I can also be reached on AOL instant messenger and Yahoo messenger ("bigcheesebebbs") or MSN messenger (mb10784).