☆ Hi, I am Положение! ★
-What do you like?
◎ I love Europe, Russian music, and classical music! ◎
-How frequently do you update your user page?
◁ It depends. Sometimes a lot, sometimes not often! ▶
-What should i call you?
♠ By my username. If for some strange reason, you can't copy-paste, call me Polozhenie. Do not call me an English translation of Положение. ♣
-Where is your talk-page?
△Положение Talk here if you wish. △
-What in the world? Why do you have so many global accounts?
₰ I like to look at different articles in different languages, and laugh at the bad Google translation. Weird habit of mine, ៛
☆ Subpages ★Положение/userboxesПоложение