
Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management

United States
Under Secretary of Homeland Security
for Management
since July 8, 2019
United States Department of Homeland Security
Constituting instrument6 U.S.C. § 113
WebsiteOfficial website

The Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management is a high level civilian official in the United States Department of Homeland Security. The Under Secretary, as head of the Management Directorate at DHS, is the principal staff assistant and adviser to both the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security for all aspects of DHS administration, finance, and personnel issues.

The Under Secretary is appointed from civilian life by the President with the consent of the Senate to serve at the pleasure of the President. Randolph Alles is the current Acting Under Secretary for Management.[1]


The Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management (USM), as the chief operating officer of the Department, is responsible for Department-wide administrative support services and oversight for all support functions, including: IT, budget and financial management, procurement and acquisition, human capital, security, and administrative services. The Under Secretary also provides the overarching management structure for the Department to deliver customer services, while eliminating redundancies and reducing support costs in order to more effectively and efficiently run the Department in a unified manner

With the rank of Under Secretary, the USM is a Level II position within the Executive Schedule. Since January 2021, the annual rate of pay for Level II is $203,700.

Reporting officials

Officials reporting to the USM include:

  • Deputy Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Management
    • DHS Chief Financial Officer
    • DHS Chief Security Officer
    • DHS Chief Human Capital Officer
    • DHS Chief Readiness Support Officer
    • DHS Chief Procurement Officer
    • DHS Chief Information Officer


DHS Management Directorate Budget, FY16–18 ($ in thousands) [2] [3]
Line Item FY16 Revised Enacted [4] FY17 Enacted [4] FY18 Request
Operations and Support 737,848 594,742 696,131
Procurement, Construction, and Improvements 196,733 73,307 69,988
Research and Development 2,500 2,500 2,545
Total Budget 937,081 670,549 768,664

4 Amounts include Title 5 funding for DHS HQ Consolidation, Financial Systems Modernization, Cyber Security fund, and rescissions, where applicable.


  1. ^ "Leadership | Homeland Security".
  2. ^ DHS Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Budget in Brief, pg 17, Department of Homeland Security, Access Date: May 23, 2017. Used for the FY 16 and FY 18 amounts.
  3. ^ DHS Fiscal Year (FY) 2017 Appropriations Act, pgs 270, 294 (Sec. 523 and 524), and 297 (Sec. 536 lines 1 and 2), U.S. Congress, Access Date: May 23, 2017. Used for the FY 17 amounts.