
Talk:Family Guy season 3

I tryed clicking on the link to screwed the pooch on the main episode list and on the season 3 episode list, it just keeps going back to the season 3 page, this may apply to other episodes as well, could someone fix this? (talk) 15:46, 18 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

It's happens the same in Ready, Willing, and Disabled, Stuck Together, Torn Apart, Peter Griffin: Husband, Father...Brother?... and, I dont know why several episodes are been suggested for a merged into the Family Guy (season 3)?. --Ravave (talk) 16:46, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Source of Episode Title

I don't have the eloquence or composition of mind to write it in at the moment, but the title is taken from Elvis Presley's 'An American Trilogy', appearing in the lyrics.boiled_elephant (talk) 00:48, 26 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Dong, where is my automobile redirection

When searching for "Dong, where is my automobile?", it redirects the page to "Family Guy (Season 3)". I know it is a quote from the episode "Screwed the Pooch", but shouldn't it redirect to the page for "16 Candles" where the quote originated from (that is where I think it originated from)?