

Merge proposal

I don't think the articles should be merged. If merged, under what title? I'd argue for canzone, since this is probably the more important topic that would (eventually, in the ideal Wikipedia) get the lengthiest treatment. But then the treatment of the canzona of Provence would be reduced to a "Provençal background" section, which seems unfair, as ultimately the treatment of this form could merit its own article, even if it has to be a stub meanwhile. Wareh 18:09, 7 November 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Canzona issue

In the article, it states that the Canzona influenced the Fugue and was the direct ancestor of the Sonata. While it did influence the fugue, it had nothing at all to do with the Sonata. In fact, the Canzona, Canzonetta, and Ricercare were all ancestors of the Fugue, as were early Fantasias and like compositions (especially in German-speaking areas), as these compositions were often fugal in character (i.e., the Fantasias of Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck and the Preludes, Fantasias, and Toccatas of Matthias Weckmann). Dgljr5121973 (talk) 21:27, 17 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]