List of political parties in Hong Kong
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Politics and government of Hong Kong |
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Hong Kong has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which no one party was allowed to gain power by controlling the Legislative Council. The Chief Executive is appointed by the Premier of the People's Republic of China based on an indirectly elected Election Committee and is de facto pro-Beijing but de jure is said to be nonpartisan as specified in the Chief Executive Election Ordinance. Once selected, the Chief Executive forms an unelected government which superficially has to rely on political parties in the legislature for support, but the legislature has been deliberately designed and redesigned to be a pro-Beijing rubber stamp body.[1][2]
Hong Kong has no legislation for political parties; thus, it has no legal definition for what a political party is. Most political parties and political groups registered either as limited companies or societies.
In Hong Kong, there were two main political ideological blocs, which presents to pro-democracy camp (include localists) and pro-Beijing camp. Under the newly introduced electoral system since 2021, only government-approved candidates may run, effectively disqualifying any candidates who are not from the pro-Beijing camp or approved by Beijing. Most of the pro-democracy camp Legislative Councillors from the previous LegCo have been jailed by the Hong Kong government and are therefore disqualified from participating in elections without the need for government vetting.
Present parties
The list includes also political groups, trade unions, professional associations and pressure groups in Hong Kong that have been active in elections but are not considered parties.
Parties and groups in the Legislative and District Councils
As of 19 June 2017, there were a total number of 16 political groupings represented in the Legislative and District Councils:[3] There are currently (As of August 2021) 8 political groups are still officially represented, and 4 further political groups represented by members of the first 8 groups (New Territories Association of Societies, New Territories Heung Yee Kuk, Kowloon West New Dynamic, Civil Force), all 12 are pro-Beijing parties.[4]
Other parties and groups
Other parties and groups without any representation that have participated in the elections include:
Pro-Democracy camp
- 2047 Hong Kong Monitor (2047香港監察)
- 7.1 People Pile (七一人民批)
- April Fifth Action (四五行動)
- Chinese Labour Party (中國工黨)
- Chinese Liberal Democratic Party (中國自由民主黨)
- China Youth Service & Recreation Centre (神州青年服務社)
- Citizens' Radio (民間電台)
- Civic Act-Up (公民起動) (part of Labour Party)
- Concern Group for Tseung Kwan O People's Livelihood (將軍澳民生關注組)
- Democratic Party (民主黨)
- The Frontier (前綫)
- HK First (香港本土)
- Hong Kong and Kowloon Trades Union Council (港九工團聯合總會/工團)
- Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (香港民主民生協進會)
- Hong Kong Awakening Association (香港關注會)
- Hong Kong Caritas Employees Union (香港明愛員工會)
- Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Practitioners' Rights General Union (香港中醫師權益總工會)
- Hong Kong Democratic Development Network (香港民主發展網絡)
- Hong Kong Democratic Foundation (香港民主促進會)
- Hong Kong Independence Party (香港獨立黨)
- Hong Kong Social Workers' General Union (香港社會工作者總工會/社總)
- Labour Party (工黨)
- Land Justice League (土地正義聯盟)
- League of Social Democrats (社會民主連線)
- Neighbourhood and Worker's Service Centre (街坊工友服務處)
- People Power (人民力量)
- Pioneer of Victoria Park (維園衝鋒)
- Power Voters (選民力量) (part of People Power)
- Professional Commons (公共專業聯盟)
- Revolutionary Communist Party of China (中國革命共產黨, October Review)
- Socialist Action (社會主義行動)
- Southern Democratic Alliance (南方民主同盟)
- Synergy Kowloon (九龍角落)
- Tai Po Democratic Alliance (大埔民主聯盟)
Pro-Beijing camp
- Bauhinia Party (紫荊黨)
- Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong (香港工商專業聯會)
- Civil Force (公民力量)
- Economic Synergy (經濟動力) (part of Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong)
- Education Convergence (教育評議會)
- Government Disciplined Services General Union (政府紀律部隊人員總工會)
- Hong Kong Chinese Reform Association (香港華人革新會)
- Hong Kong Civic Association (香港公民協會)
- Hong Kong Federation of Education Workers (香港教育工作者聯會)
- Hong Kong Localism Power (香港本土力量), a pro-Beijing conservative political party, contrary to its name.
- Hong Kong Medical Association (香港醫學會)
- Hong Kong Public Doctors' Association (香港公共醫療醫生協會)
- Hong Kong Women Teachers' Organization (香港女教師協會)
- Justice Alliance (正義聯盟)
- New Youth Forum (新青年論壇)
- HK Round Table On People’s Livelihood (民生圓桌)
- Politihk Social Strategic (香港政研會)
- Professional Forum (專業會議) (part of Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong)
- Third Force (第3力量)
- Voice of Loving Hong Kong (愛港之聲)
- Path of Democracy (民主思路)
Localist groups
- Christians to the World (蒞地基督徒)
- Conservative Party (香港保守黨)
- Empowering Hong Kong (匯政衞言)
- Hong Kong Indigenous (本土民主前線)
- Hong Kong Resurgence Order (香港復興會)
- Kowloon East Community (東九龍社區關注組)
- Nationalist Hong Kong (國民香港)
- Proletariat Political Institute (普羅政治學苑)
- Tai Po Sunwalker (埔向晴天)
- Tin Shui Wai New Force (天水圍民生關注平台)
- Tsuen Wan Community Network (荃灣社區網絡)
- Tuen Mun Community (屯門社區關注組)
- Tuen Mun Community Network (屯門社區網絡)
- Youngspiration (青年新政)
Umbrella organisations
- Ching Fat Living Concern Group (青發生活關注組)
- North of the Rings (北區動源)
- Tsuen Wan Dynamic for the People (荃灣民生動力)
- Alliance for Social and Economic Advancement (保障民生建設聯盟)
- Green Party of Hong Kong (香港綠黨)
- Hong Kong People's Livelihood Party (香港民生黨)
- New Prospect for Hong Kong (香港新方向)
- MESSAGE (快信社會服務團)
Regional organisations, communal pressure groups and Kaifong associations
- Action 18 (動員十八)
- Ap Lei Chau Community Trade Union (鴨脷洲社區職工會)
- Cheung Sha Wan West Front (長沙灣西社區陣線)
- Choi Hung Estate Social Service Association (彩虹邨服務聯會)
- Concern Group for Tseung Kwan O People's Livelihood (將軍澳民生關注組)
- Community Alliance (區政聯盟)
- Deliberation Tsuen Wan (荃民議政)
- Fu Sun Generation (富新一代)
- Heung Yee Kuk (鄉議局)
- Hong Kong Island Federation (香港島各界聯合會)
- HTTH Environmental Concern Group (興東東熹環境關注組)
- Kowloon East Community (東九龍社區關注組)
- Kowloon Federation of Associations (九龍社團聯會)
- Fu Cheong Hung Estate Residents' Association (富昌邨居民協會)
- Kwun Tong Residents Association (觀塘民眾聯誼會)
- Hong Kong People's Council on Housing Policy (香港房屋政策評議會)
- Kowloon West New Dynamic (西九新動力)
- New Territories Association of Societies (新界社團聯會)
- New Territories West Residents Association (新界西居民聯會)
- Hong Kong Tin Shui Wai Women Association (香港天水圍婦女聯會)
- Luen Wo United (聯和匯聚)
- Lung Mun Concern Group (龍門關注組)
- North District Blueprint (北區藍圖)
- North of the Rings (北區動源)
- Sai Kung Commons (西頁鄉民)
- Sha Tin Community Network (沙田社區網絡)
- Sha Tin Community Vision (沙田社區關注社)
- Shau Kei Wan East Future (灣東願景)
- Tai Po Democratic Alliance (大埔民主聯盟)
- Tai Po Network of Democracy and Livelihood (大埔民主民生網絡)
- Tin Shui Wai Connection (天水連線)
- Tin Shui Wai Livelihood Progression Union (天水圍地區民生促進會)
- Tseung Kwan O Pioneers (將軍澳青年力量)
- Tseung Kwan O Shining (將向天晴)
- Tsing Yi Concern Group (青衣關注組)
- Tsing Yi People (青衣島民)
- Tsuen Wan Dynamic for the People (荃灣民生動力)
- Unity of San Hui (屯結新墟)
Electoral coalitions
- 7.1 United Front (七一連線)
- A16 Alliance (A16聯盟)
- Academics In Support of Democracy (高教界民主行動)
- Action 9 (9人起動)
- Alliance of Housing Department Staff Unions (房屋署工會大聯盟)
- Central and Western Democratic Power (中西區民主力量)
- Civic Passion–Proletariat Political Institute–Hong Kong Resurgence Order (熱普城)
- Coalition of Hong Kong Newspaper and Magazine Merchant (全港報販大聯盟)
- Democrat Professionals Hong Kong (專業‧民主‧起動)
- Democratic Accountants (民主會計師)
- Democratic Coalition for DC Election (泛民區選聯盟/民主派區選聯盟)
- Demo-Social 12/Demo-Social 60/Demo-Social Front (民福12/民福60/民褔陣線)
- Doctors for Democracy (真普選醫生聯盟)
- Engineers for Universal Suffrage (普選工程連線)
- Gov.ALPS (建園規測)
- Health Professionals for Democracy 30 (衞‧真普30)
- Hearts of Accountants (誠、會計師團隊)
- ICT Energy (ICT動力)
- IT Voice/IT Voice 2012/IT Vision
- O Superpower (長權)
- People Power–League of Social Democrats (進步民主連線)
- Progressive Social Work (進步社工)
- Students United 2017 (學界同盟 2017)
- Tertiary 2012 (大專2012)
- Together for Social Welfare (社福同行)
- User Voice (持份發聲)
- V18 Accountants (V18會計專業聯盟)
- Vox Pop
- Welfare Empower Hong Kong (社福動力)
- Win Win Hong Kong Accountants (香港共贏會計師)
- Y5 Give Me Five (Y5正能量)
- Your Vote Counts (票在你手/計您一票)
- 123 Democratic Alliance (一二三民主聯盟)
- Alliance for Universal Suffrage (終極普選聯盟)
- Association for Democracy and Justice (民主公義協會)
- Basic Law Article 45 Concern Group (《基本法》四十五條關注組)
- Cheung Sha Wan Community Establishment Power (長沙灣社區發展力量)
- Citizens Party (民權黨)
- Civic Passion (熱血公民)
- Co-operative Resources Centre (啟聯資源中心)
- Community March (社區前進)
- Community Sha Tin (沙田區政)
- Constitutional Reform Association of Hong Kong
- Democratic Alliance (民主陣線)
- Democratic Progressive Party of Hong Kong (香港民主進步黨)
- Democratic Self-Government Party of Hong Kong (香港民主自治黨)
- Demosistō (香港眾志)
- Federation for the Stability of Hong Kong (穩定香港協會)
- The Frontier (前綫)
- Frontline Doctors' Union (前線醫生聯盟)
- Hong Kong Affairs Society (太平山學會)
- Hong Kong Alliance of Chinese and Expatriates (香港中外聯盟)
- Hong Kong Citizen Forum (港人論壇)
- Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (香港職工會聯盟/職工盟)
- Hong Kong Forum (香港論壇)
- Hong Kong National Party (香港民族黨)
- Hong Kong Observers (香港觀察社)
- Hong Kong People's Association (港人協會)
- Hong Kong Policy Viewers (香港政策透視)
- Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union (香港教育專業人員協會)
- Hong Kong Progressive Alliance (香港協進聯盟/港進聯)
- Hong Kong Prospect Institute (香港前景研究社)
- Hong Kong Socialist Democratic Party (香港社會民主黨)
- Kowloon City Observers (九龍城觀察社)
- Kowloon Residents' Association (九龍居民協會)
- Liberal Democratic Federation of Hong Kong (香港自由民主聯會/自民聯)
- Liberal Democratic Party (自由民主黨)`
- Meeting Point (匯點)
- Neo Democrats (新民主同盟)
- New Hong Kong Alliance (新香港聯盟)
- New Hong Kong Society (新香港學社)
- Power for Democracy (民主動力)
- Progressive Hong Kong Society (香港勵進會)
- Public Affairs Society (公共事務評議會)
- Reform Club of Hong Kong (香港革新會)
- Social Democratic Forum (社會民主論壇)
- Social Democratic Front (社會民主陣線)
- Team Chu Hoi Dick of New Territories West (朱凱廸新西團隊)
- Tsz Wan Shan Constructive Power (慈雲山建設力量)
- Tuen Mun Community Network (屯門社區網絡)
- United Ants (蟻聯)
- United Democrats of Hong Kong (香港民主同盟/港同盟)
- United Front for the Service of the People (全民社區服務聯線)
- United Nations Association of Hong Kong (聯合國香港協會)
- Victoria Social Association (維多利亞社區協會)
See also
- Lists of political parties
- United front in Hong Kong
- United Front Work Department
- United front (China)
- List of political parties in the People's Republic of China
- List of political parties in the Republic of China
- List of political parties in Macau
- 2021 Hong Kong electoral changes
- ^ Kent Ewing (12 November 2020). "With Hong Kong's democrats gone, why not get rid of the rubber-stamp legislature altogether?". Hong Kong Free Press. Archived from the original on 7 September 2021. Retrieved 18 March 2022.
- ^ "This week in politics_2:Election Rules Changed, Council Turned into Rubber Stamp". Citizen News. 10 March 2021. Archived from the original on 13 March 2022. Retrieved 18 March 2022.
- ^ "List of Political Affiliations of LegCo Members and DC Members" (PDF). District Councils of Hong Kong.
- ^ "Serving Members of the Sixth Legislative Council". Legislative Council of Hong Kong.