
Paulinus the Deacon

Paulinus the Deacon, also Paulinus of Milan was the notary of Ambrose of Milan, and his biographer. His work is the only life of Ambrose based on a contemporary account, and was written at the request of Augustine of Hippo;[1] it is dated to 422 AD.[2]

Against the Pelagians

In Carthage in 411 he had opposed Caelestius, a Pelagian.[3] The formal proceedings were described by Augustine in On Original Sin. Paulinus set up six theses defining Pelagian views as heresy; Caelestius gave up on becoming a presbyter in Carthage, instead he moved to Ephesus[4]

Paulinus was summoned to Rome in 417, to justify himself.[5] With local backing, he declined to appear before Pope Zosimus; in 418 the Pope took into account the measure of support for the anti-Pelagian position, and condemned both Caelestus and Pelagius.[6]


  1. ^ Ambrose of Milan: Keeper of the boundaries | Theology Today | Find Articles at BNET.com
  2. ^ Craig Alan Satterlee, Ambrose of Milan's Method of Mystagogical Preaching (2002), p. 33.
  3. ^ Serge Lancel, Saint Augustine (2002), p. 327.
  4. ^ CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Pelagius and Pelagianism.
  5. ^ M. Lamberigts, The Condemnation of the Pelagians, p. 365, in Theo L. Hettema, Arie van der Kooij (editors), Religious Polemics in Context (2004).
  6. ^ Philippe Levillain, The Papacy: An Encyclopedia (2002), p. 1641.


  • Mary Simplicia Kaniecka (1928), Vita sancti Ambrosii, mediolanensis episcopi, a Paulino eius notario ad beatum Augustinum conscripta
  • M. Pellegrino (editor) (1961), Paolino di Milano, Vita di S. Ambrogio
  • Émilien Lamirande, Paulin de Milan et la "Vita Ambrosii": Aspects de la religion sous le Bas-Empire