NOTAM Code is an aeronautical radiotelegraph and radiotelephony brevity code used to transmit information about radio navigation aids, airports, lighting facilities, dangers to aircraft, and actions related to search and rescue. All NOTAM Codes start with the letter Q, to distinguish them from radio call signs, and always consist of five letters (counting the Q), to avoid confusing them with Q codes. These codes are defined by ICAO Doc 8400: ICAO Abbreviations and Codes.[1]
Second and third letters
Code | Signification | Uniform abbreviated phraseology |
AGA | Lighting facilities (L) | |
LA | Approach lighting system (specify runway and type) | als |
LB | Aerodrome beacon | abn |
LC | Runway centre line lights (specify runway) | rcll |
LD | Landing direction indicator lights | ldi lgt |
LE | Runway edge lights (specify runway) | redl |
LF | Sequenced flashing lights (specify runway) | sequenced flg lgt |
LG | Pilot-controlled lighting | pcl |
LH | High intensity runway lights (specify runway) | high insts rwy lgt |
LI | Runway end identifier lights (specify runway) | rwy end id lgt |
LJ | Runway alignment indicator lights (specify runway) | rai lgt |
LK | Category II components of approach lighting system (specify runway) | cat II components als |
LL | Low intensity runway lights (specify runway) | low inst rwy lgt |
LM | Medium intensity runway lights (specify runway) | medium inst rwy lgt |
LP | Precision approach path indicator (specify runway) | papi |
LR | All landing area lighting facilities | ldg area lgt fac |
LS | Stopway lights (specify runway) | stwl |
LT | Threshold lights (specify runway) | thr lgt |
LU | Helicopter approach path indicator | hapi |
LV | Visual approach slope indicator system (specify type and runway) | vasis |
LW | Heliport lighting | heliport lgt |
LX | Taxiway centre line lights (specify taxiway) | twy cl lgt |
LY | Taxiway edge lights (specify taxiway) | twy edge lgt |
LZ | Runway touchdown zone lights (specify runway) | rtzl |