
List of fictional alien species: W

Name Source Type
Wadi Star Trek
Waldahudin Robert J. Sawyer's Starplex
Wanderers Noon Universe
Wang's Carpets Greg Egan's Diaspora
Wankh Jack Vance's Planet of Adventure series Black frog-like humanoids
Warren Ampersand Adventure Time A blue shapeshifting alien and Jake's father.
The Watcher Marvel Comics
Waterseekers Red Planet
Weeping Angels Doctor Who Statue-like humanoid
Weevils Torchwood Humanoid
Whrloo Larry Niven's Known Space
Willis the Bouncer Red Planet
Winathians DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes A humanoid species from the planet Winath. They do not normally possess powers, with Garth Ranzz and Ayla Ranzz being metahumans with electric abilities.
Wirrn Doctor Who
Wisps Sonic the Hedgehog Squid-like creatures of various shapes and colors
Wogneer Star Trek
Wolfweeds Doctor Who
Wookiees Star Wars Humanoid
Wraith Stargate The wraith looks like a human; the difference is the grey skin, the long hair of all of them, and some little holes in the face.
W'rkncacnter Marathon Trilogy
