
List of leaders of Uzbekistan

Below is the list of leaders of present-day Uzbekistan since the establishment of Uzbek SSR in 1924.


Khans of Shaybanid Domains

These are the khans ruling over the domains of the Uzbeks prior to the Abulkhairids.[1] [2]

  • Shiban
  • Bahadur Oghul
  • Jochi Buqa
  • Bad Oghul
  • Mengu Timur Oghlan
  • Fulad Oghul
  • Ibrahim Sultan
  • Dawlat Shaykh Oghlan


Timurid Empire

Titular name Personal name Reign
Timur ruled over the Chagatai Khanate with Soyurghatmïsh Khan as nominal Khan followed by Sultan Mahmud Khan. He himself adopted the Muslim Arabic title of Amir. In essence the Khanate was finished and the Timurid Empire was firmly established.
Timur Lang
تیمور لنگ
Timur Beg Gurkani
تیمور بیگ گورکانی
Pir Muhammad bin Jahangir Mirza
پیر محمد بن جہانگیر میرزا
Khalil Sultan bin Miran Shah
خلیل سلطان بن میران شاہ
Shahrukh Mirza
شاھرخ میرزا
Ulugh Beg
الغ بیگ
Mirza Muhammad Tāraghay
میرزا محمد طارق
Division of Timurid Empire
Transoxiana Khurasan/Herat/Fars/Iraq-e-Ajam
Abdal-Latif Mirza
میرزا عبداللطیف
(Father Killer)
Abdullah Mirza
میرزا عبد اللہ
Abul-Qasim Babur Mirza
میرزا ابوالقاسم بابر بن بایسنقر
Mirza Shah Mahmud
میرزا شاہ محمود
Ibrahim Sultan
ابراھیم میرزا
Abu Sa'id Mirza
ابو سعید میرزا
(Although Abu Sa'id Mirza re-united most of the Timurid heartland in Central Asia with the help of Uzbek Chief, Abul-Khayr Khan (grandfather of Muhammad Shayabani Khan), he agreed to divide Iran with the Black Sheep Turkomen under Jahan Shah, but the White Sheep Turkomen under Uzun Hassan defeated and killed first Jahan Shah and then Abu Sa'id. After Abu Sa'id's death another era of fragmentation follows.)
**Transoxiana is divided Sultan Husayn Bayqara
سلطان حسین میرزا بایقرا
1469 1st reign
Yadgar Muhammad Mirza
میرزا یادگار محمد
1470 (6 weeks)
Sultan Husayn Bayqara
سلطان حسین میرزا بایقرا
1470–1506 2nd reign
Uzbeks under Muhammad Shayabak Khan Conquer Herat
Samarkand Bukhara Hissar Farghana Balkh Kabul
Sultan Ahmad Mirza
سلطان احمد میرزا
Umar Shaikh Mirza II
عمر شیخ میرزا ثانی
Sultan Mahmud Mirza
سلطان محمود میرزا
Ulugh Beg Mirza II
میرزا الغ بیگ
1469 – 1502
Sultan Baysonqor Mirza bin Mahmud Mirza
بایسنقر میرزا بن محمود میرزا
Sultan Ali bin Mahmud Mirza
سلطان علی بن محمود میرزا
Sultan Masud Mirza bin Mahmud Mirza
سلطان مسعود بن محمود میرزا
1495 – ?
Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
ظہیر الدین محمد بابر
Khusrau Shah
خسرو شاہ

? – 1504
Mukim Beg Arghun
مقیم ارغون
? – 1504
Uzbeks under Muhammad Shayabak Khan
محمد شایبک خان ازبک
Jahangir Mirza II
جہانگیر میرزا
(puppet of Sultan Ahmed Tambol)
1497 – 1503
Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
ظہیر الدین محمد بابر
Uzbeks under Muhammad Shayabak Khan
محمد شایبک خان ازبک
Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
ظہیر الدین محمد بابر
Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
ظہیر الدین محمد بابر
(Never till his conquest of India were the dominions of Babur as extensive as at this period. Like his grandfather Abu Sa'id Mirza, he managed to re-unite the Timurid heartland in Central Asia with the help of Shah of Iran, Ismail I. His dominions stretched from the Caspian Sea and the Ural Mountains to the farthest limits of Ghazni and comprehended Kabul and Ghazni;Kunduz and Hissar; Samarkand and Bukhara; Farghana; Tashkent and Seiram)
Uzbeks under Ubaydullah Sultan عبید اللہ سلطان re-conquer Transoxiana and Balkh
Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur
ظہیر الدین محمد بابر
Timurid Empire in Central Asia becomes extinct under the Khanate of Bukhara of the Uzbeks. However, Timurid dynasty moves on to conquer India under the leadership of Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur in 1526 C.E. and established the Timurid dynasty of India.

List of rulers




  • Muhammad Rahim (usurper), atalik (1753–1756), khan (1756–1758)
  • Shir Ghazi (1758–?)
  • Abu'l-Ghazi Khan (1758–1785)

Amirs/Emirs of Bukhara (1785–1920)

Titular Name Personal Name Reign
Khudayar Bey
خدایار بیگ
Muhammad Hakim
محمد حکیم
Muhammad Rahim
محمد رحیم
Muhammad Rahim
محمد رحیم
Muhammad Rahim
محمد رحیم
Daniyal Biy
دانیال بیگ
Amir Masum
امیر معصوم
شاہ مراد بن دانیال بیگ
Haydar bin Shahmurad
حیدر تورہ بن شاہ مراد
Mir Hussein bin Haydar
حسین بن حیدر تورہ
Umar bin Haydar
عمر بن حیدر تورہ
Nasr-Allah bin Haydar Tora
نصراللہ بن حیدر تورہ
Muzaffar bin Nasrullah
مظفر الدین بن نصراللہ
Abdul-Ahad bin Muzaffar al-Din
عبد الأحد بن مظفر الدین
Muhammad Alim Khan bin Abdul-Ahad
محمد عالم خان بن عبد الأحد
Overthrow of Emirate of Bukhara by Bukharan People's Soviet Republic.
  • Pink Rows denote progenitor chiefs serving as Tutors (Ataliqs) & Viziers to the Khans of Bukhara.
  • Green Rows denote chiefs who took over reign of government from the Janids and placed puppet Khans.
  • A photo of Mohammed Alim Khan, final emir 1911–1920, is shown at Emir.

Chairmen of the Central Executive Committee

  1. Kobozev, Pyotr Alekseevich (April – May 1918), Solkin, Andrey Fedorovich, contributor (April – 2 June 1918)
  2. Tobolin, Ivan Osipovich (2 June – 5 October 1918)
  3. Votintsev, Vsevolod Dmitrievich (October 1918 – 19 January 1919)
  4. – (19 January – 31 March 1919)
  5. Kazakov, Aristarkh Andreevich (31 March – July 1919)
  6. Kobozev, Pyotr Alekseevich (July – September 1919)
  7. Apin, Ivan Andreevich (September 1919 – January 1920)
  8. Ryskulov, Turar Ryskulovich (January – 21 July 1920)
  9. Biserov, Mukhammedzhan (21 July – August 1920)
  10. Rakhimbaev, Abdullo Rakhimbaevich (4 August 1920 – May 1921), Khodzhanov Sultanbek, acting, prev. (12 May 1920 – ?)
  11. Tyuryakulov, Nazir Tyuryakulovich (May 1921 – June 1922)
  12. Rakhimbaev, Abdullo Rakhimbaevich (June – October 1922)
  13. Khidir-Aliev, Inagadzhan (October 1922 – 1 January 1924), Dadabaev Butabay, vrid. prev. (August – September 1923)
  14. Aytakov, Nedirbai (9 January – November 1924)

Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars ("Turksovnarkom").

Initial date Final date Name
15 November 1917 November 1918 Fyodor Kolesov
November 1918 19 January 1919 Vladislav Figelskiy (ru)
19 January 1919 31 March 1919 Post vacant
31 March 1919 12 September 1919 Karp Sorokin (ru)
12 September 1919 March 1920 Turksovnarkom defunct
March 1920 May 1920 Jānis Rudzutaks
May 1920 September 1920 Isidor Lubimov
19 September 1920 October 1922 Kaikhaziz Atabayev
October 1922 12 January 1924 Turar Ryskulov
12 January 1924 27 October 1924 Sharustam Islamov (ru)

Political leaders

  Denotes Acting leader
Name Took office Left office Party Notes
Chairmen of the Central Revolutionary Committee
Mirzo Abduqodir Mansurovich Mukhitdinov 2 September 1920 22 September 1921 Communist Party of Bukhara Styled Chairman of the Provisional Revolutionary Committee from 2 September to 6 October 1920
Polat Usmon Khodzhayev 25 September 1921 8 December 1921 Communist Party of Bukhara
Chairmen of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee
Polat Usmon Khodzhayev 23 September 1921 12 April 1922 Communist Party of Bukhara
Muin Jon Aminov 12 April 1922 18 August 1922 Communist Party of Bukhara
Porsa Khodzhayev 18 August 1922 27 October 1924 Communist Party of Bukhara
Chairmen of the Council of People’s Nazirs (Ministers)
Fayzulla Xoʻjayev 8 October 1920 19 April 1923 Communist Party of Bukhara
Mirzo Abduqodir Mansurovich Mukhitdinov 15 June 1923 27 October 1924 Communist Party of Bukhara

Leaders of the Uzbek SSR (1924–1991)

First Secretaries of the Communist Party

No. Portrait Name
Term of office Political party
Took office Left office
1 Vladimir Ivanov
12 February 1925 21 September 1927 OʻzKP/CPSU
2 Kuprian Kirkizh
21 September 1927 April 1929 OʻzKP/CPSU
3 Nikolay Gikalo
April 1929 June 1929 OʻzKP/CPSU
4 Isaak Zelensky
June 1929 December 1929 OʻzKP/CPSU
5 Akmal Ikramov
December 1929 21 September 1937 OʻzKP/CPSU
6 Pyotr Yakovlev 21 September 1937 27 September 1937 OʻzKP/CPSU
7 Usman Yusupov
27 September 1937 7 April 1950 OʻzKP/CPSU
8 Amin Niyazov
7 April 1950 22 December 1955 OʻzKP/CPSU
9 Nuritdin Mukhitdinov
22 December 1955 28 December 1957 OʻzKP/CPSU
10 Sobir Kamolov
28 December 1957 15 March 1959 OʻzKP/CPSU
11 Sharof Rashidov
15 March 1959 31 October 1983 OʻzKP/CPSU
12 Inomjon Usmonxoʻjayev
31 October 1983 12 January 1988 OʻzKP/CPSU
13 Rafiq Nishonov
12 January 1988 23 June 1989 OʻzKP/CPSU
14 Islam Karimov
23 June 1989 31 August 1991 OʻzKP/CPSU

Presidents of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1991–present)

Political parties
  Denotes Acting President

C Constitutional referendum

Died in office

No. Portrait Name
Elected Term of office Political party
Took office Left office Time in office
Islam Karimov
1990 24 March 1990 2 September 2016[†] 26 years, 162 days OʻzKP
1 1991
Nigmatilla Yuldashev[9]
2 September 2016 8 September 2016 6 days OʻzMTDP[10]
Shavkat Mirziyoyev[11]
8 September 2016 14 December 2016 97 days OʻzMTDP
2 2016
14 December 2016 Incumbent 8 years, 82 days OʻzLiDeP
2023 Independent

First ladies of Uzbekistan

No. Image Name
Term in office President
Term start Term end Time in office
1 Tatyana Karimova
(born 1948)
1 September 1991 2 September 2016 25 years, 1 day
Islam Karimov
Nigmatilla Yuldashev never married
2 September 2016 14 December 2016 103 days
Nigmatilla Yuldashev
(born 1962)
2 Ziroat Mirziyoyeva
(born 1957)
14 December 2016 Incumbent 8 years, 82 days
Shavkat Mirziyoyev
(born 1957)

Vice President of Uzbekistan

The position of was introduced on the same day Islam Karimov was elected President of the Uzbek SSR on March 24, 1990 at a session of the Supreme Council of the Uzbek SSR. Uzbekistan at that point became the first union republic to introduce the positions of president and vice president, roles often seen in the west. The only person who served as vice president was Shukrullo Mirsaidov, who, before this position, was the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR. After the abolition of the post of vice president on January 8, 1992, the post of prime minister was introduced in the country.

Name Took office Left office
Shukrullo Mirsaidov March 1990 8 January 1992

Rank by time in office

Rank President Time in office
1 Islam Karimov 25 years, 1 day[12]
2 Shavkat Mirziyoyev 8 years, 82 days 8 years, 179 days
Shavkat Mirziyoyev 97 days (Acting)
Nigmatilla Yuldashev 6 days (Acting)


Shavkat MirziyoyevNigmatilla YuldashevIslam KarimovRafiq NishonovInomjon UsmonxoʻjayevSharof RashidovSobir KamolovNuritdin MukhitdinovAmin NiyazovUsman YusupovPyotr YakovlevAkmal IkramovIsaak ZelenskyNikolay GikaloKuprian KirkizhVladimir Ivanov (politician, born 1893)

List Prime Minister of Uzbekistan

# Image Name Term of office Party
1 Muhammad Dawlat 1756 1785
2 Utkur Sufi Biy 1785 1812
3 Muhammad Hakim Biy 1812 1837
4 Mirza Aziz Biy 1837 1869
5 Muhammad Yakub Biy 1869 1870
6 Muhammad Biy 1870 1899
7 Astan Quli Biy 1899 1910
8 Mirza Nasr Allah Biy 1910 1917
9 Nizam ad-Din Khoja Urganji 1917 1917
10 Usman Bek 1917 1917
11 Fyodor Ivanovich Kolesov 1917 1918
12 Vladislav Damyanovich Figelskiy 1918 1919
13 Aristarkh Andreyvich Kazakov 1919 1919
14 Karp Yeliseyevich Sorokin 1919 1919
15 Artur Martynovich Kaktyn 1919 1919
16 Yan Ernestovich Rudzutak 1920 1920
17 Isidor Yevstigneyevich Lyubimov 1920 1920
18 Kaygisyz Serdarovich Atabayev 1920 1922
19 Turar Ryskulovich Ryskulov 1922 1924
20 Sharustam Islamov 1924 1924
21 Fayzulla Xojayev 17 February 1925 26 July 1937
22 Abdullah Karimov 26 July 1937 2 October 1937
23 Sultan Segizbayev 2 October 1937 23 July 1938
24 Abdudzhabar Abdurakhmanov 23 July 1938 21 August 1950
25 Abdurrazak Mavlyanov 21 August 1950 18 May 1951
26 Nuritdin Mukhitdinov 18 May 1951 7 April 1953
27 Usman Yusupov 7 April 1953 18 December 1954
28 Nuritdin Mukhitdinov 18 December 1954 22 December 1955
29 Sobir Kamolov 22 December 1955 30 December 1957
30 Mansur Mirza-Akhmedov 30 December 1957 16 March 1959
31 Arif Alimov 16 March 1959 27 September 1961
32 Rahmankul Kurbanov 27 September 1961 25 February 1971
33 Narmakhonmadi Khudayberdyev 25 February 1971 3 December 1984
34 Gayrat Kadyrov 3 December 1984 21 October 1989
35 Mirakhat Mirkasimov 21 October 1989 24 March 1990
36 Shukrullo Mirsaidov 8 January 1990 8 January 1992
37 Islam Karimov 8 January 1992 8 January 1992
38 Abdulhashim Mutalov 8 January 1992 21 December 1995 People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
39 Oʻtkir Sultonov 21 December 1995 12 December 2003 People's Democratic Party of Uzbekistan
40 Shavkat Mirziyoyev
12 December 2003 14 December 2016 Self-Sacrifice National Democratic Party (until 2008)
Uzbekistan National Revival Democratic Party (from 2008)
41 Abdulla Aripov
14 December 2016 Incumbent Liberal Democratic Party

See also


  1. ^ Scott Cameron Levi; Ron Sela (2010). Islamic Central Asia: An Anthology of Historical Sources. Indiana University Press. ISBN 978-0-253-35385-6.
  2. ^ "Art | the Metropolitan Museum of Art". Archived from the original on 2019-03-30. Retrieved 2018-06-14.
  3. ^ Cite error: The named reference 霍渥斯 was invoked but never defined (see the help page).
  4. ^ László Karoly (14 November 2014). A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia: A Critical Edition of a Seventeenth-Century Chagatay Work by Subḥān Qulï Khan. BRILL. pp. 5–. ISBN 978-90-04-28498-2.
  5. ^ Orvostörténeti Közlemények: Communicationes de historia artis medicinae. Könyvtár. 2006. p. 52.
  6. ^ Nil Sarı; International Society of the History of Medicine (2005). Otuz Sekizinci Uluslararası Tıp Tarihi Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, 1–6 Eylül 2002. Türk Tarih Kurumu. p. 845. ISBN 9789751618252.
  7. ^ Wilde, Andreas (2016). What is Beyond the River?: Power, Authority, and Social Order in Transoxania 18th–19th Centuries. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. ISBN 978-3-7001-7866-8.
  8. ^ "Islam Karimov: Uzbekistan president's death confirmed". BBC.
  9. ^ "Соболезнования в связи с кончиной Президента Узбекистана Ислама Каримова". 2 September 2016. Retrieved 4 September 2016.
  10. ^ "Миллий тикланиш". Archived from the original on 5 January 2017. Retrieved 4 September 2016.
  11. ^ "Reports: Uzbekistan Appoints Mirziyaev As Interim President". Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. 8 September 2016. Retrieved 8 September 2016.
  12. ^ Counting from the declaration of independence on 31 August 1991.