Draft:Goryeo Plan
The **Kamakura Shogunate's Plan for an Invasion of Goryeo** (鎌倉幕府の高麗遠征計画) was a concept aimed at launching an expedition to Goryeo, which was considered the base of Yuan forces after the Battle of Bun'ei, in order to suppress their stronghold for a future invasion of Japan.
Although the Kamakura Shogunate repelled the Yuan forces in the Battle of Bun'ei, they anticipated another invasion. As a preemptive measure, the idea emerged to subjugate Goryeo, which was likely to serve as a staging ground for a second invasion, in order to prevent future attacks.
In November 1275 (Kenji 1st year), Kanazawa Sanetoki was sent to Kyushu for an "expedition against foreign enemies." The following month, a Kantō Gokyōsho (official directive from the shogunate)
was issued to Takeda Nobutoki, the governor of Aki Province, regarding the planned expedition. It instructed that preparations be made for an invasion in March of the following year, and that, in case of a shortage of sailors in Kyushu, additional personnel should be recruited from the San'in, Sanyō, and Nankai regions, including not only shogunate retainers but also those from imperial and temple estates (This directive is preserved in the "Tōji Hyakugo Monjo" at the Kyoto Prefectural General Archives.)* However, the plan was never carried out due to resistance from those opposed to the mobilization of personnel from non-shogunate territories, as well as the burden of simultaneously constructing **stone walls in Hakata Bay
Later, in August 1281 (Kōan 4th year), after the Battle of Kōan, the idea of an invasion of Goryeo resurfaced. The plan involved mobilizing **powerful warriors from Kyushu, with Shōni Tsunekazu and Ōtomo Yoriyasu as the commanding generals, alongside their vassals in northern Kyushu. Additionally, the Akuto (renegade monk warriors) from Yamashiro and Yamato provinces were also asked to participate. However, this plan was also abandoned, and due to internal political conflicts within the shogunate, the idea was ultimately left unrealized
It is also believed that one motivation behind this proposed invasion was to reward the shogunate’s retainers, who had received no compensation for their efforts in repelling the two Mongol invasions, by granting them land seized from Goryeo.
Response of the Yuan-Goryeo Allied Forces
Kublai Khan, wary of a Japanese counterattack, established the **Jinzhou Command Headquarters (鎮辺万戸府)** in Goryeo, including in regions such as **Jinzhou**, to prepare for a possible Japanese invasion. [1]
『高麗史』巻二十九 世家二十九 忠烈王二 忠烈王七年十月己亥(七日)の条「元勑、於本國金州等處、置鎭邊萬戸府、以印侯爲佋勇大將軍鎭邊萬戸、賜虎符及印、張舜龍爲宣武將軍鎭邊管軍總管。」
- ^ 溝川晃司「高麗遠征計画」(『日本中世史事典』(朝倉書店、2008年) ISBN 978-4-254-53015-5)