

Member of Muisca religion
Other namesChibrafruime
RegionAltiplano Cundiboyacense
Ethnic groupMuisca
GreekAthena, Ares

Chibafruime, also spelled as Chibrafruime, was a minor deity in the religion of the Muisca.[1] It was the god of war.[2][3] Mythological tales about Chibafruime have been noted in Bojacá, Bosa, Guatavita, Turmequé and Cajicá.[4][5][6][7][8][9]

Little is known about Chibafruime and his appearance, which may have been in the shape of a jaguar. The Muisca were more traders than warriors.[10] Their negotiation skills were admired by the conquistadors who made first contact with the Muisca.[11]

Scholar Lucas Fernández de Piedrahita has provided the little information about Chibafruime.


  1. ^ Bogotálogo, 2012, p.55
  2. ^ Triana de Riveros, 1996, p.53
  3. ^ Henao, 2011, p.317
  4. ^ Quintana de Afanador, 2002, p.70
  5. ^ Henao, 2011, p.42
  6. ^ Henao, 2011, p.139, p.143-146
  7. ^ Henao, 2011, p.77
  8. ^ Henao, 2011, p.109
  9. ^ Henao, 2011, p.284
  10. ^ Daza, 2013, p.25
  11. ^ Francis, 1993, p.48
