Datei:Journal (1921) (14783918395).jpg

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Identifier: journalsoe1921soci (find matches)
Title: Journal
Year: 1861 (1860s)
Authors: Society of Engineers, London Society of Engineers, London. Transactions Society of Engineers, London. Committee and officers
Subjects: Engineering
Publisher: London
Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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Text Appearing Before Image:
ENGINEERING POINT OF VIEW. 155 (G), under the action of centrifugal force, flies outwards, andis prevented from returning by the ball-headed pin falling toone side (thus acting like a pawl). On impact the graze pelletflies forward compressing the creep spring and driving the igni-tion cap on to the firing pin, thus causing a flash to pass to thegaine, which delays the final detonation sufficiently to allowthe shell to bury itself and so have a good crater effect. TIME fuze FiG.9
Text Appearing After Image:
A time fuze is illustrated in Fig. 9. It consists of the mainbody (A) bored out below to form the magazine (B), and aboveto receive the firing pin (C) and the pellet (D) carrying theignition cap (E). The body of the fuze is turned to receivethe time-ring (F), which is grooved to carry the ring of slowburning composition (G). A flash channel (H) leads from theignition cap chamber completely round the main body immedi-ately within the time-ring ; from this channel one flash hole(K), through the time-ring, leads to the slow burning com-position ; also one flash hole (M), through the body of the fuze,leads from the ring of slow burning composition to the maga-zine. On turning the time-ring the flash hole (K) is moved, so 156 ARTILLERY. that the length of slow burning composition between the twoflash holes (K) and (M) is altered, and the time taken to burnthis length of composition is proportionately varied. The out-side of the time-ring is graduated to show the relative time takento burn

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