Datei:Flag of Iraq (1959–1963).svg

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العربية: علم العراق 1959-1963 تحت عبد الكريم قاسم
עברית: הדגל של עיראק בימי עבד אל-כרים קאסם
English: Flag of Iraq under the Qassem regime, 1959-1963.

The flag uses the four Pan-Arab colors (in addition to yellow), but was intended to move away from explicit Pan-Arab or Nasserite symbolism. The yellow sun represented the Kurdish minority and the red star of the "Star of Ishtar" symbol was used to represent Iraq's ancient heritage, as well as its minority Assyrian population.

Qasim promoted an "Iraq first" identity, emphasizing the country's historical status as the cradle of great pre-Arab civilizations. He deliberately added the Akkadian eight-point star of Ishtar to the national flag, and likewise incorporated the insignia of the sun god Shamash in Iraq's national emblem. --

According to [1] and [2], Iraqi Kurds prefer this flag to the 1963-2007 forms of the Iraqi national flag (with their Pan-Arab and Ba`thist associations).

For the corresponding state emblem (coat of arms) see File:Iraq state emblem CoA 1959-1965 Qassem.svg . For a flag map, see File:Iraq-flag-map 1959-1963.svg .
Datum (SVG file)
Quelle Eigenes Werk, basierend auf: 1959 flag design
Urheber Orzetto~commonswiki (first-uploaded file version), AnonMoos, etc.
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Public domain
This work was first published in Iraq and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law No. 3 of 1971 on Copyright, amended 2004 by Order No. 83, Amendment to the Copyright Law (details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication or it was published prior to 1 May 2004
  • It is a work where the copyright holder is a legal entity or a work of applied art and 50 years have passed since the year of its publication
  • It is a photographic or cinematic work that is not compositive (artistic in nature) first published before 1 May 1999
  • It is work published in Iraq before 1 May 1954, and the author died before 1 May 1979
  • It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)
  • It is one of "collections of official documents, such as texts of international laws, regulations and agreements, judicial judgements and various official documents."
  • It is the work of a body corporate, public or private, published by January 1st, 1980 (Article 20, 1971 law).

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Per U.S. Circ. 38a, the following countries are not participants in the Berne Convention or Universal Copyright Convention and there is no presidential proclamation restoring U.S. copyright protection to works of these countries on the basis of reciprocal treatment of the works of U.S. nationals or domiciliaries:
  • Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Marshall Islands, Palau, Somalia, Somaliland, and South Sudan.

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  • Works published in these countries by citizens or permanent residents of other countries that are signatories to the Berne Convention or any other treaty on copyright will still be protected in their home country and internationally as well as locally by local copyright law (if it exists).
  • Similarly, works published outside of these countries within 30 days of publication within these countries will also usually be subject to protection in the foreign country of publication. When works are subject to copyright outside of these countries, the term of such copyright protection may exceed the term of copyright inside them.
  • Unpublished works from these countries may be fully copyrighted.
  • A work from one of these countries may become copyrighted in the United States under the URAA if the work's home country enters a copyright treaty or agreement with the United States and the work is still under copyright in its home country.

Iraq has enacted Law No. 3 of 1971 on Copyright (Arabic) which came into force on 21 January 1971. Iraq has enacted Regulation No. 10 of 1985 on the National Committee for the Protection of Copyright (Arabic) which came into force on 2 September 1985. Iraq has enacted Order No. 83, Amendment to the Copyright Law (Arabic) (unofficial English (WIPO) translation) which came into force on 1 May 2004.
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Version vomVorschaubildMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell04:14, 13. Apr. 2013Vorschaubild der Version vom 04:14, 13. Apr. 2013900 × 450 (551 Bytes)AnonMoosdecreasing code
01:46, 13. Apr. 2013Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:46, 13. Apr. 2013900 × 450 (2 KB)Raymond1922AStar is now a path.
10:04, 27. Feb. 2012Vorschaubild der Version vom 10:04, 27. Feb. 2012900 × 450 (981 Bytes)Alkaricode cleanup
18:44, 17. Sep. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 18:44, 17. Sep. 2011512 × 256 (2 KB)R-41~commonswikiCorrected colours as in a previous upload, but with reduced size.
23:35, 23. Aug. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:35, 23. Aug. 2011798 × 399 (804 Bytes)AnonMoosnew green had too much blue, filesize was bloated by 400%
20:56, 13. Aug. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:56, 13. Aug. 2011800 × 400 (4 KB)R-41~commonswikiRedid flag, the Arab colour scheme part of the flag has been redone. The Kurdish yellow sun remains the same.
02:27, 31. Jan. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 02:27, 31. Jan. 2011798 × 399 (992 Bytes)AnonMoosde-bloating code, slightly de-oranging sun
01:06, 31. Jan. 2011Vorschaubild der Version vom 01:06, 31. Jan. 2011798 × 399 (4 KB)Fry1989colours a tad
15:09, 10. Jun. 2006Vorschaubild der Version vom 15:09, 10. Jun. 2006798 × 399 (1 KB)AnonMoosadding title tags now bug 4388 fixed
20:17, 25. Apr. 2006Vorschaubild der Version vom 20:17, 25. Apr. 2006798 × 399 (1 KB)AnonMoosexact version with vertically and horizontally aligned star points
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