Datei:Erdutsch in Osttimor 2021.jpg

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Tetun: Estudu Impaktu Intensidade Udan Bo’ot Iha Loron 3 – 4 Abril 2021 ba Dezastre Naturais ( Estraga Estrada Fatu-Ahi)

Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia – Instituto Público (IPG) liuhusi Divisaun Risku Jeolójia no Enjeñaria Jeolójiku, Xefe Ekipa Engenharia Jeolójika Eng. Felix Januario Guterres Jones no Eng. Luis Teofilo relata estudu Akontesementu udan bo’ot durante loron tolu (3) nian laran hahú husi loron 2 – 4 Abril 2021 hamosu dezaster inundasaun no rai halai iha teritório Timor-Leste laran tomak ne’ebé mak fó impaktu lakon vida humanu no infrastrutura hanesan dalan, ponte, uma no seluk, iha momentu ne’ebé hanesan dalan fatu-ahi mos hetan estragus husi udan bo’ot refere, observasaun direita iha kampu no Ekipa konsege foti dadus largura no kumpermentu ne’ebé mak bele hare iha kraik: Fracturadu I estrada ho luan 60 cm Fracturadu II estrada ho luan 30 cm Total Cumpermentu (luan) area afetado 18.5 m Total Largura (Naruk) area afetado 66 m Udan ho intensidade nebe bot iha dia 3 de Abril ho akumulasaun durante loron ida hamutuk 343, 82 mm (dadus udan ben husi fonte Dr. Benjamin Hopper Martins Benjamim Hopffer Martins ), hare iha grafiku udan ben iha mapa SPI no TWI) nebe mak hamosu impaktu estragus ba dalan fatu-ahi, fatór seluk mak hanesan kapasidade akumulasaun mota bo’ot liu drainage ne’ebé iha, formasaun metamorfiku (fraturadu), morfologia inclinasaun ne’ebé mak moderadu no seluk tan. Iha parte ne’e hakarak koalia ituan kona ba mapa Stream Power Index (SPI) no Topography Wetness Index (TWI), mapa SPI no TWI ne’ebé mak kria husi dadus LIDAR DEM 5 m hatudu katak fatin refere (Fatu-ahi) hetan estragus tamba akumulasaun udan ben ne’ebé bo’ot husi dia 2 – 4 abril 2021 ho (dia 3/4 2021 hamutuk 343, 82 mm/loron), ne’ebé akumula hamutuk iha mota ki’ik ho korenti ne’ebé bo’ot (valor hare iha Mapa SPI no TWI) no inklinasaun ne’ebé moderadu 36° - 52° hodi fo impaktu no estragus infrstrutura dalan nebe iha Fatu-ahi. Modelasaun Mapa Stream Power Index (SPI) no Topography Wetness Index (TWI) ho kalkulasaun formula mak hanesan: SPI = As * tan β As nudar área spesifikasaun cathcement β mak local gradient inclinasaun (grau) SPI descreve mós potensial flow erosion ne’ebé relasaun ho prosesu landscape. Enquanto Captação área no inklinasaun aumenta, no kontribuisaun kuantidade bee iha área inklinasaun ho velosidade korenti bee aumenta mós. Nune’e, SPI e risko erosaun mós aumenta. SPI mós kontrola potensialidade forsa erosive iha fluxos terrestres, espessura horizontes rain nian, quantidade material organiko, pH, Siltitu, no rai henek. TWI = ln=(α⁡ /tan⁡β ) α komulativu área inclinasaun iha pontu eskoando nian (por unidade largura de contur) no β pontu anglo inklinasaun. Ln (α/ β) indexo refleto no tendensia husi forsa gravitasaun mobilizasaun bee tuir inklinasaun (expresaun tuir termos ne’ebé tan β aprosimasaun hydraulic gradient). Primeiro lugar inflitrasaun bee depende ba propiedades permiabilidade, pressao bee no efeito ba resistansia rai. @Mídia_IPG@ Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia – Instituto Público (IPG) Website:

Telf: +6703310179
Quelle Instituto do Petroleo e Geologia, Instituto Publico IPG
Urheber Instituto do Petroleo e Geologia, Instituto Publico IPG
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Public domain
This file is in the public domain in East Timor, because it is published and distributed by the Government of Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, according to Article 13 of the Indonesia Copyright Law No 6, 1982, which was still valid in East Timor from independence on 20 May 2002 until 27 May 2023.[1]

There shall be no infringement of Copyright for:

  1. publication and reproduction of the symbol of the State and the national anthem in accordance with their original nature;
  2. publication and reproduction of anything which is published by or on behalf of the Government, except if the copyright is declared to be protected by law or regulation or by a statement on the work itself or at the time the work is published;
  3. repetition, either in whole or in part, of news from a news agency, radio or television broadcaster, and newspaper not less than 1 x 24 (one times twenty four) hours counted from the initial publication of such news, and the source there of shall be fully cited.

PD-TLGov Public domain in the East Timor //

  1. The Main Characteristics of the Timorese Legal System – a Practical Guide, p.177


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Mai 2021




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aktuell12:10, 30. Mai 2021Vorschaubild der Version vom 12:10, 30. Mai 20212.048 × 1.365 (1,18 MB)J. Patrick Fischer{{Information |Beschreibung = Estudu Impaktu Intensidade Udan Bo’ot Iha Loron 3 – 4 Abril 2021 ba Dezastre Naturais ( Estraga Estrada Fatu-Ahi) Instituto do Petróleo e Geologia – Instituto Público (IPG) liuhusi Divisaun Risku Jeolójia no Enjeñaria Jeolójiku, Xefe Ekipa Engenharia Jeolójika Eng. Felix Januario Guterres Jones no Eng. Luis Teofilo relata estudu Akontesementu udan bo’ot durante loron tolu (3) nian laran hahú husi loron 2 – 4 Abril 2021 hamosu dezaster inundasaun no rai halai…

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