My Name is Markus Felix, born and raised in a town near Düsseldorf in Germany . In early 2010 I started photography as an opportunity to travel and see the world and while doing so my appreciation for photography grew beyond the point of a hobby.
On this website you will find a selection of my personal favorites, but you can find even more Dubai pictures on Facebook and selected photos on 500px.
I love night photography and long exposures as my affection gravitates to high-tech - including but not limited to architecture.
While I'm not traveling the other part of my passion is concert photography which is the part I would like to get more into.
Essential gear:
- Nikon D800
- Nikon 14-24/2.8 - 24-70/2.8 - 70-200/2.8
Facebook: /MarkusFelixPhotography
Since 2014 I'm a proud member of the FestivalSommer project team, of the german Wikipedia - See some of my favorite shots below Or click here to see all my contributions to commons - I do love feedback!
TV Produktion
- Unser Song für Österreich
TV Produktion
- Unser Song für Dänemark
- Mittelalterlich Phantasie Spectaculum
- 32. Pfingst Open Air - Essen Werden
- Rock Hard Festival - Gelsenkirchen
- Castle Rock - Mülheim
- Open Source Festival - Düsseldorf
- Nord Open Air - Essen