
This is the user page of Meta:User:とある白い猫

You've persecuted us for generations... And now you beg us to aid you?
We will do what we must... But we do it for Aiur, not you!
Credit: User:Sundance Raphael for German translation.

Hello, welcome to my userpage. If you know a language aside from English, just hop in and join the effort to translate my username to many languages... Thank You in over 465 languages in advance.

About White Cat

Good day, I am White Cat.

I am generally pleasant and helpful so feel free to page me on any questions on my talk page.

I have been to many nations on three continents (Europe, Asia (Western), North America). I am very interested in the science of Astronomy, and I am a Computer Engineering major.

I got introduced to Wikipedia on February 2005 while I was at Michigan State University by a student. Since then I have been quite active and a summary of my activity can be found on the history page.

Dies sind die Reisen...

...des Benutzers White Cat...

Flaggen & Plätze
Von: United Federation of Planets
Lange Reisen: Austria Belgium France Germany Italy Spain Turkey United States
Kurze Trips: Andorra Czech Republic Greece Luxembourg Monaco the Netherlands Switzerland the Vatican
Wohin ich noch gehen muss: Australia Bulgaria Canada Egypt Japan Korea, South Russia United Kingdom
Wohin ich noch plane zugehen: Armenia Azerbaijan China, The People's Republic of China, Republic of (Taiwan) Cyprus Cyprus, Turkish Republic of Northern Finland Ireland Malta Mexico Nagorno-Karabakh Norway Sweden
Nicht sicher, ob ich dahin will: Congo, Democratic Republic of the Cuba Iran Iraq Israel Jordan Korea, North Lebanon Palestine Saudi Arabia Sudan Syria
Wenn es möglich ist dahin gehen:
Alpha Centauri
These are the voyages - en key (White Cat).png
These are the voyages - en key (White Cat).png
Eine gewisse weiße Katze

Userpage | Talk | Bot edits

EN JA Commons Meta

Wonach suchst du?

This user is a native speaker of English.
tr-4 Bu kullanıcı Türkçeyi ana dili gibi anlıyor.
ja-1 この利用者は簡単日本語を話します。
This user contributes to MediaWiki bugzilla as Wikipedia Kawaii Neko and has a ton of edits.

(Kokoro no Mama ni!)

[purge] []
(Sayonara Deki nai!)

Geh von guten Absichten aus!

Wohin noch niemand zuvor gegangen ist ...
New Horizons probe
New Horizons probe
New Horizons ist der erste Testsatellit, der zum Pluto fliegt... Wo ist New Horizons jetzt?

Das vorangegangene Bild 2015 wird noch durch ein richtiges Bild vom Pluto ersetzt...

Bitte ersetzt es für mich falls ich es vergesse

Blended wing craft
Blended wing craft
Beeindruckend, trotzdem habe ich es in Planetes gesehen ... Die NASA-Ingenieure ahmten anscheinend Anime nach (oder ist Anime/Science fiction Wirklichkeit geworden?)... Die ganze Geschichte

Victoria Crater
Victoria Crater
Victoria Krater, Mars

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