Wikipedia:Wikipedia Signpost/2007-12-26/Board expansion
This week, a resolution was approved to fill the two empty seats, and expand the Board of Trustees from seven to a maximum of eleven members:
In the aftermath of the resignation of Michael Davis (effective October 31, 2007) and Erik Möller (effective December 15, 2007), the board confirms its will to replace the two former board members, as well as its commitment to expand the number of members on the board of directors at the earliest convenience, up to a number of 11 members maximum. Due to its commitment to involve members from the community, at least half of the new members will be appointed for a term ending at the next board elections, in June 2008.
The resolution likely means that appointments of new members will be made soon, before the June 2008 board elections. The makeup of the Board would be as follows:
- Florence Devouard, Chair, elected position. Her term expires in June 2008, and she has indicated that she may be leaving the Board at the completion of her term (see below)
- Jimmy Wales, appointed position. Wales and all appointed members serve a one-year term, renewable by the Board; his term was renewed, and comes up for renewal in December 2008.
- Jan-Bart de Vreede, Vice Chair, appointed position. His term comes up for renewal in December 2008.
- Kat Walsh, elected position. Her term expires in July 2009.
- Frieda Brioschi, elected position. Her term expires in July 2009.
- A replacement for Davis, yet to be named. A search for a new Treasurer is in progress; the Board is looking for a candidate with experience in accounting.
- A replacement for Möller, yet to be named. This replacement would be appointed from the community, and would likely be up for election in June 2008.
- One or two additional positions from the community; these positions would likely be up for election in June 2008.
- One or two additional positions, which may be outside the community. The Board has indicated a desire to appoint professionals to some of these positions.
Thus, the Board will likely appoint either four or six additional members. Indications are that some or all of the elected positions will expire in June 2008, although Möller's seat was set to expire in July 2009, and his successor may retain the remainder of his two-year term. While no indication has been made by the Board as to how appointments will be made, it's likely that at least some of the appointments will come from those who were not elected in the 2007 Board elections.
In a separate announcement, Devouard noted that she is considering leaving the Board at the end of her term:
[In 2008], some of the board seats will be up for elections, including mine. I am not sure yet how many seats will be available, this will be clarified in the following weeks. But it seems clear there will be at least 3 seats. I wanted to give you a pre-position on this matter. In June 2008, I will complete 4 years on the board, including 1 year and a half as chair. I stopped working just 2 years ago, immediately before the birth of my third child. I now wish to officially be in activity again (meaning: working for a salary :-)). ... I also think I may be able to help the projects by continuing my activity within Wikimédia France and indicated some time ago, my interest for being a candidate at the next [Wikimédia France] board election (January or February 08).
As such, I would be happy to start the discussion as to who would be interested/willing joining the board of WMF (as appointed or as elected), and who would be potentially interested in the role of chair in the future.
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