
Wikipedia:WikiProject Timeline Tracer/Assignments

Welcome to the WikiProject Timeline Tracer Assignments Board

Tasks with remarks or needing opinion

Here you enter those articles (tasks) which are complicated and need second opinion, help or other requests. Also you add here those tasks which have been paused in a dead point.

In this list, please enter the tasks in alphabetical order and in the format:
| '''Article linked''' | ''First WP TIMET Editor's signature'' | ''Notes followed by signature'' |-
If the artcle is paused or abandoned, please enter PAUSED in the Notes followed by signature.

Assignments Board

Sparta Heltzen 21:00, 21 August 2007 (UTC)[reply] Needs expert opinion. There are not enough sources and authors seem to not be able to find enough references Heltzen 21:00, 21 August 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Article linked Editor' signature Notes


Any task, open or closed which must be kept under watch because either the article is expanding or had unilateral reversals of tags and editions, should be registered at WP:TIMETASKS

Closed tasks to be sent to Archive

Closed tasks which had a more complex development, should be registered at the Archive for having records of what was done.
Shortcut to this page is WP:TIMETAB