Wikipedia:WikiProject Timeline Tracer/Tasks
Welcome to the WikiProject Timeline Tracer Tasks
Open tasks
- All open tasks you find at Articles lacking chronology/history sources
- Tasks waiting for an editor are at Articles waiting for chronology/history evaluation .
- If you feel that other editors should know what you are working on or you want to make comments about an article, need opinion or will pause a verification because it arrived to a dead point, please register that at Assignments Board.
There is no obligation to enter articles at the Assignments Board, you can just work by placing the {{histref}}, {{histrefm}} or {{Timefact}} tags, the articles will be automatically added to Articles lacking chronology/history sources .
- If you feel that other editors should know what you are working on or you want to make comments about an article, need opinion or will pause a verification because it arrived to a dead point, please register that at Assignments Board.
- Any task, open or closed which must be kept under watch because either the article is expanding or had unilateral reversals of tags and editions, should be registered here.
- Add the article alphabetically in the following format:
- | '''Article linked''' | ''Editor' signature'' | ''Notes'' |-
Articles to watch
Psychic surgery | ℒibrarian2 15:51, 29 August 2007 (UTC) | Debate changes the content constantly |
Closed tasks
- You can see the alphabetical list of all verified articles at Category:Articles evaluated by WP Timeline Tracer
- You can also check the Archive.