Wikipedia:Evangelical Dictionary of Theology
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This is a list of topics from the 2001 Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Theology which do not have articles on Wikipedia. Please fill in the missing articles or link them to existing ones. After all, the existence of a topic title in Baker's is a good hint that someone will try to find the article in WP using that title.
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- Totals 855
- Remaining 310
- % 36.26%
- Administration, Gift of
- Age, This
- Aging, Christian view of
- Alloisis (see Ulrich Zwingli)
- Anakephaliosis (see Irenaeus)
- Andover Controversy
- Andreae, James
- Apostleship, Gift of
- Asian Theology
- Attributes, Communication of (see Communicatio Idiomatum)
- Authority in the Church
- Messianic Banquet (see Marriage Feast of the Lamb)
- Basel, First Confession of, First Confession of Basel
- Biblical Theology Movement
- Sacrificial aspects of Blood, Sacrificial aspects of blood
- Bodily Presence (see Views of the Lord's Support)
- Body, Biblical View of the, Biblical view of the body
- Body, Soul, and Spirit (see Doctrine of Mankind, Trichotomy (philosophy))
- Charles Webb Carter
- Cereal Offering (see Offerings and Sacrifices in Biblical times)
- Ceremonial Law (see Biblical concept of law)
- Chicago School of Theology
- Chief Priest (see Priests and Levites)
- Ciliasm (see Millennialism or Chialism or maybe learn to spell)
- Christianity and Culture
- Christianity and Religions
- Authority in the Church
- Civil law and justice in Bible times
- Civil righteousness
- Colligialism (see Collegialism)
- Communicatio Operationum
- Consistent Eschatology
- Consummation of the Age (see Eschatology)
- Contextualization of Theology
- Contingency Argument for God (see Arguments for the existence of God)
- Contingent Being (see Being)
- Continuous Creation
- Contribution, Gift of, Gift of contribution
- Ecclesiastical Cooperation (see Ecumenism)
- Church Councils
- Covenant of Works (see Covenant Theology)
- Continuous Creation
- Criminal law and punishment in Bible times
- Culture and Christianity (see Christianity and Culture)
- Mary Dale
- Day of Christ, God, the Lord
- Abode of the Dead, Abode of the dead
- Prayers for the Dead, Prayer for the dead
- Descent into Hell (Hades) - see Harrowing of Hell
- Dialectic Theology (see Neo-orthodoxy)
- Discerning the Spirits (see Spiritual Gifts)
- Discipleship Movement (see Shepherding Movement)
- Double Procession of the Holy Spirit
- Religious Doubt
- Downgrade Controversy (see Spurgeon, Charles Haddon)
- New Earth
- Efficacious Grace (see Grace (Christianity))
- El-Eloe-Israel (see Names of God)
- Eqiprobabilism (see Casuistry)
- Eristianism
- Erlangen School of Theology (see Hoffman, Johann Christian Conrad von)
- Error in the Bible (see Inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible)
- Christian view of Esthetics
- Eternal Generation
- Eternality of God (see Attributes of God in Christianity)
- Eternal security of the believer (see Perserverance)
- Eternal state (see Final state)
- Ethical systems, Christian, Christian ethical systems
- Biblical Ethics, Biblical ethics
- Social Ethics, Social ethics
- Gift of Evangelism (see Spiritual gifts)
- Everlasting punishment (see Eternal punishment)
- Evidences of Christianity (see Apologetics)
- Evil One (see Satan)
- Exaltation of Jesus Christ (see States of Jesus Christ)
- Exemplarism (see Theories of Atonement)
- Gift of Exhortation (see Spiritual Gifts)
- Theology of Experience
- External calling (see Call, Calling)
- Father, God as
- Feasts and Festivals, Christian
- Feasts and Festivals, Old Testament
- Feeling, Theology of
- Fellowship offering (see Offerings and sacrifices in Bible times)
- Final State
- First resurrection
- Forensic righteousness
- Fourfold Sense of Scripture (see Interpretation of Scripture)
- Freewill offering (see Offerings and Sacrifices in Bible Times)
- Fullness of Time
- Gallican Articles, Four - see Declaration of the Clergy of France
- Generation, Eternal
- Good, The Goodness, Goodness
- Gospel, Social implications of
- Government, Gift of (see Spiritual Gifts)
- Hardening, Hardness of Heart
- The Heavenlies
- Heavens, New - see New Heavens and New Earth
- Heave offering - see Offerings and sacrifices in Bible times
- Heilsgeschichte
- Gift of Helps - see Spiritual gifts
- Historie and Geschichte
- History of Religion School
- History of Salvation - see Heilsgeschichte
- Holiness of the Christian - see Godliness
- Honest to God Debate - see John Arthur Thomas Robinson
- Hope, Theology of - see Hope (virtue) and Hope#Christianity
- Household Salvation
- Humanity of Christ - see Christology
- “I Am” Sayings
- Identification with Christ
- Illumination (1)
- Immanence of God
- Immutability of God
- Impassibility of God
- Impeccability of Christ
- Inclusive Language
- Indian Theology
- Inheritance of Adam's Sin
- Inner Man (Gr. ho eso anthropos)
- Plenary Inspiration
- Verbal Inspiration
- Integrative Theology
- Intermediate State
- Internal Calling
- Internal Testimony of the Holy Spirit
- Interpretation of Tongues, Gift Of
- Invocation of Saints
- Irish Articles (1615)
- Henry Allen Ironside (1876-1951)
- Israel, New
- Israel and Prophecy
- Articles of Issy (1695)
- Jakób Jocz (1906-1983)
- Theology of John
- Judgment of Nations
- Judgment Seat
- Justitia Civilis
- Gift Of Knowledge
- Konzequent Eschatologie
- Language about God
- Last Days, Day
- Last Times
- Biblical Concept of Law
- Law and Grace
- Law and Justice in Ancient Times
- Lawless One
- Gift of Leadership
- Liberal Evangelicalism
- Theological Liberalism
- Christian Liberty
- Religious Liberty
- Likeness of God
- Literal Sense of Scripture
- Logos Spermatikos
- Lord's Supper, Views Of - see Eucharistic theology
- Theology of Luke
- Lutheran Tradition
- Lux, Mundi
- Donald Mackenzie MacKinnon (1913-1994)
- Majoristic Controversy
- Major Orders
- Natural Man
- Man, Old and New
- Doctrine of Mankind
- Origin of Mankind
- Theology of Mark
- Marriage Customs in Bible Times
- Theology of Marriage
- Marriage Feast of the Lamb
- Mediating Theology (Ger. Vermittlungstheologie)
- Melitian Schisms
- Gift Of Merciful Acts
- Messianic Banquet
- Calvinistic Methodism
- Johannes Baptist Metz (b. 1936)
- Midtribulation Rapture
- Views of The Millennium
- Miguel De Molinos
- Moral Argument for God
- Moral Inability
- Music in the Evangelical Tradition
- Mystery of Iniquity
- Mystical Sense of Scripture
- Mystical Union - see Union with Christ
- Myth of God Incarnate Debate
- Significance of Names in Bible Times
- Narrative Theology
- Judgment of Nations
- Natural Man
- Natural Revelation
- Theology of Nature
- Necessary Being
- Way of Negation
- Neoevangelicalism
- Neo-pentecostalism
- New Evangelicalism
- New Hampshire Confession (1833)
- New Hermeneutic
- Church of The New Jerusalem
- New Light Schism
- New Morality
- New Quest of the Historical Jesus
- New School Theology
- New Testament Theology
- Niagara Conferences
- Northfield Conferences
- Novatian Schism
- Oberlin Theology
- Offerings and Sacrifices in Bible Times
- Daily Office, (Divine)
- Schubert Miles Ogden (b. 1928)
- Old School Theology
- Ordo Salutis
- Origin of Mankind
- Orthodox Tradition
- John Owen (protestant) (1616-1683)
- Pain of God Theology
- Theology of Paradox
- Christian View Of Philosophy
- God's Good Pleasure
- Plenary Inspiration
- Pretribulation Rapture
- Priests and Levites
- Principalities and Powers
- Procession of the Spirit
- Pseudo-dionysius the Areopagite
- Psychology and Christianity
- Purgative Way, The - see State (theology)#The purgative way
- Johann Andreas Quenstedt (1617-1688) - see Johannes Andreas Quenstedt
- Rapture of the Church
- Scottish Realism (see Scottish Common Sense Realism)
- General Redemption
- Redemption History
- Religionless Christianity
- Religionsgeschichte
- Restoration of Israel
- Revisionist Theology
- Spiritual Revival
- Civil Righteousness
- Righteousness of God
- Old Roman Creed
- Saints, Invocation Of - see Litany of the Saints Invocatio Sactorum
- Satisfaction Theory
- Saumer Academy
- Saxon Confession (1551)
- Adolf Von Schlatter (1852-1938)
- Seven Articles of Schleitheim
- Kasper Ossig Von Schwenckfeld (1489-1561)
- Science and Health, with a Key to the Scriptures
- Scientia Media
- Scottish Realism
- Secondary Separation
- Secular Christianity
- Security of the Believer
- Self-Examination
- Self-Existence of God
- Senses of Scripture
- Sensus Deitatis, Sensus Divinitatis
- Sensus Plenior
- Marital Separation
- Gift of Service
- Seven Articles of Schleitheim - redir to Schleitheim Confession
- Simul Justus Et Peccator
- Conviction of Sin
- Sinlessness of Christ
- Sin Unto Death
- Situation Ethics
- Social Ethics
- Social Implications of the Gospel
- Solafidianism (Lat. sola fide “faith alone”)
- Solidarity of the Race
- Spiration
- Spiritual Body (Gr. soma pneumatikon)
- States of Jesus Christ
- Substance (Lat. substantia, Gr. hypostasis, “standing under”).
- Substitutionary Atonement of Christ
- Works of Supererogation
- Richard Granville Swinburne (b. 1934)
- Gift of Teaching
- Testimonium Spiritus Sancti Internum
- Textual Criticism and Theology
- Integrative Theology
- Henry Clarence Thiessen (1883-1947)
- The Thirteen Articles (1538)
- This Age, the Age to Come
- Time (Gr. chronos).
- The Torgau Articles
- David Elton Trueblood (1900-1995)
- T.U.L.I.P.
- Twelve Articles of the Peasants (1525) - redit to Twelve Articles
- Twofold State of Jesus
- Two Swords Theory - mentioned in Two kingdoms doctrine
- Ubiquity of God
- Unchangeability of God
- Declaration of Utrecht (1889)
- Verbal Inspiration
- Vermittlungstheologie
- Via Affirmativa, Via Affirmationis
- Via Analogia
- Via Eminentia
- Via Positiva
- Follower of The Way
- Way of Affirmation
- Way of Illumination
- Way of Purification
- John Rodman Williams (b. 1918)
- Witness of the Holy Spirit
- Worldliness and Otherworldliness
- Würtemberg Confession (1552)
- Make sure formatting, style and links are correct before deleting
- Poor, Poverty
- Prophecy, Prophet
- Prophet, Christ As
- Punishment, Everlasting
- Unitive Way, The
- Universe, Origin Of
- Redeemer, Redemption
- Redemption, Particular
- Reformed Tradition
- Remission of Sins
- Way of Negation
- Westminster Catechisms
- Women in the Church
- Word, Word of God, Word of the Lord
- Saint, Saintliness
- Scholasticism, Protestant
- Scripture, Authority Of
- Self-Esteem, Self-Love