
Wikipedia:Avsenev Permission

The permission from the author of the website http://www.gymnast.ru/, E.V.Avsenev was granted me (User:Cmapm) to incorporate images and other information from http://www.gymnast.ru/ into the Wikipedia. I emailed him (his e-mail address is on the website http://www.gymnast.ru/) 1:00, February 9 2005 (UTC), asking the following question in Russian: Cкажите, пожалуйста, можно ли использовать собранную Вами информацию (а также фото) Нелли Ким и других гимнастов для перевода на английский язык и включения её в биографические статьи интернет-энциклопедии Википедия?. This translates into English as:Tell me, please, can I use the information about (as well as photos of) Nelli Kim and other gymnasts collected by yourself for the translation into English and incorporation into internet-encyclopedia Wikipedia's biographical articles?

7:40 February 14 2005 (UTC) I received an answer from E.V.Avsenev (through his granddaughter) in Russian:Я выражаю Вам свою признательность за проявленный интерес к моей работе , и сообщаю , что не вижу никаких препятствий в использовании Вами материалов сайта www.gimnast.ru для Интернет -энциклопедии. This translates into English as:I express you my gratefulness for your interest in my work and inform you, that I don't see any obstacles in your use of materials from the website www.gymnast.ru for the Internet-encyclopedia.

Since now I begin to use materials from the website www.gymnast.ru in Wikipedia adding one of the following notices in the end of each corresponding article/on the description page of the corresponding image:

Cmapm 19:20, 18 Feb 2005 (UTC)

As concerns the usage of the images, according to this answer, it is Template:permission, not {{GFDL}}. I asked, if it should be changed to {{GFDL}} (I also tried to explain the main difference between them) in my next letter to E.V.Avsenev. I received a reply from his granddaughter today, where she writes, that she didn't understand the essence of the problem and gives me a right to decide, believing in my honesty (that I'll not harm in any way neither the website, nor E.V.Avsenev). As I don't understand all subtle differences between permission and {{GFDL}} applied to images too, I leave permission, granted in the first reply from E.V.Avsenev, intact. Cmapm 16:09, 9 Mar 2005 (UTC)