A fairly new contributor to Wikipedia, as well as a graduate in Ancient History & Philosophy (BA Honours). Here to add what knowledge I can, as well as tidy up some of the grammar and writing quality of articles I come across. I will be actively countering any bias I find here on Wikipedia articles and lists. This is the English Wikipedia, so naturally, the predominant portion of bias seems to lay with the English-speaking nations; and in particular, I have found, the United States.
“I have yet to see a piece of writing, political or non-political, that does not have a slant. All writing slants the way a writer leans, and no man is born perpendicular.”
― E.B. White
My main interests on Wikipedia lie in history (all almost of ages, except anything pre-6th Century BC), politics, philosophy, military affairs, South-East Asia culture, capitalism and corruption, human rights as well as myriad other topics.
To Do list:
Help 'French Revolution' attain at least 'GA' status. Such a definitive point in human history really deserves to have a quality, academic article.
Tidy up several lists on Wikipedia in relation to wars. It seems there are users, and as a unfortunate consequence now some readers, who do not notice the key differences between small skirmishes/clashes and actual warfare between states and entities.