Willow is British. She is proud to be British, despite the fact that she'd love to live in America.
Willow is a nerd. She reads sci-fi, fantasy and manga and she's unashamed of the fact that 50% + of her conversations are about video games, mostlyKingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy.
Willow is a/can be a fangirl. She <33s: David Tennant, Doctor Who, TenRose, Kingdom Hearts and Sora.
Willow thinks that Gaia Online is just the most awesome thing ever. She loves Fall Out Boy and Panic! At the Disco.
Willow never, ever takes off her waistcoat. Except for school.
Willow is going now.
T | This user knows that "the 21st century's when everything changes - and you've got to be ready!" |
Dr Who | This user has been a Doctor Who fan since the Ninth Doctor. | 9th |
![]() | This user is a Doctor Who fan. |
BtVS | This user is a fan of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series. |
AtS | This user is a fan of the Angel TV series. |