


Under Some Pressure Now? I registered on Wikipedia because I've been using this excellent encyclopedia, but every now and then I visit pages with photos that I am confident I could have done better myself. Since I travel rather a lot, I have the opportunity to photograph many different things and places, and as I do so, I add photographs to articles that I think will benefit from it.

I'm also an eager manual spell checker. #8D)

I'm the author of the travel book "One for the Road". It's free, check it out!

I have a personal homepage, from 1994, with several travel journals at http://www.pvv.org/~bct/ .

Also, I maintain a collection of my photos at https://bjornfree.com/travel .

Thank you for visiting!


Countries visited:
Botswana Cape Verde Egypt Ethiopia The Gambia Kenya Lesotho Morocco Mozambique Namibia Senegal Seychelles South Africa Eswatini Tanzania Tunisia Western Sahara Zambia Zimbabwe
Argentina Belize Bolivia Brazil Chile French Guiana Guatemala Mexico Paraguay Peru United States Uruguay
Antigua and Barbuda Aruba Barbados Bonaire Curaçao Dominican Republic Grenada Saint Lucia Saint Kitts and Nevis Trinidad and Tobago
Cambodia China India Indonesia Iran Japan Jordan Laos Malaysia Myanmar Nepal North Korea Qatar Russia Singapore Thailand Turkey Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Vietnam
Australia Fiji New Zealand
Albania Austria Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Cyprus Denmark England Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Republic of Ireland Italy Kosovo Luxembourg North Macedonia Malta Moldova Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Northern Ireland Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Scotland Serbia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom Vatican City Wales

And probably a few more...