

Tanlipkee is a citizen of Singapore and the Kingdom of God.

He is an accountant by training. His was a chief financial officer of a listed company in Singapore and the work required him to travel to various countries such as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. He started work with PricewatehouseCoopers in Singapore as an auditor. He had been involved in investigative police work during his National Service days, and amateur journalism as a student.

He has been a Christian since 1987, and now worships and serves in New Creation Church.

He loves to read and write. He has two personal blogs: http://lipkee.multiply.com/ and http://livelearnloveleavealegacy.blogspot.com/

He is known amongst friend as a helpful and understanding person. He is financially astute and is a smart investor.

He has been a Wikipedian since 31 May 2009.

Quick Notes

This user is from Singapore.