My Images
- Middle Springs, with the visitor center in the background, Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge
- Granular volcanic lithic fragment
- Lathwork and submicrolitic lithic fragments
- Microlitic volcanic lithic fragment
- Vitric volcanic lithic fragment
- Sheep grazing in Snake Valley, Utah
- Schematic QFL triangle
- Notch Peak sunset
- Notch Peak, from the canyon below the notch
- Notch Peak with the moon in the notch, at sunset
- Sunset at Wheeler Peak (Nevada)
- Snow blanketing Snake Valley and Wheeler Peak
- Snow on the Deep Creek Mountains
- Wild horses run through Tule Valley, Utah
- Tourist area around Badwater Basin, flooded by ephemeral Lake Badwater
- Cropped version of Lake Badwater pic
- A summer storm hits Wah Wah Valley and the Wah Wah Mountains
- Geopetal structure in a shell in limestone, near Salt Lake City, Utah
- Megaripple from Utah
- A Khulan (Mongolian Wild Ass) in silhouette at sunset
- A domesticated Bactrian Camel mother and offspring, Mongolia
- Hanksite crystal from Searles Lake, California
- Crepuscular rays above Pruess Lake, Utah
- Northern part of the House Range and Tule Valley, Utah
- Snow on the hills around Willow Springs Canyon, Confusion Range, Utah
- View of Utah State Route 159, looking north from Garrison, Utah
- Confusion Range from Skull Rock Pass, looking west toward Kings Canyon (Utah)
- View of Partoun, Utah, looking to the southeast
- The community of EskDale, Utah, view to the west
- Burbank, Utah and moon at sunset
- The historic Dearden Ranch, in Burbank, Utah
- The Ferguson Desert and its playa, Utah
- Mountain Home Range at sunset, Utah
- Downtown Garrison, Utah.
- An intrusion (Notch Peak monzonite) inter-fingers with host rock near Notch Peak, House Range, Utah
- My Tattoo depicting the national symbol of Mongolia, the Soyombo symbol
- Students looking at the Wasatch Fault
- A diamictite, NOT necessarily a tillite
- Gibson Reservoir, Montana
- Pompeii, with Vesuvius towering above
- Sheep in Kings Canyon (Utah)
- This rock SOOOO looks like an Elephant! It even has a pack and an eye!
- Wow, you are that below sea level...
- Mongolian fault-line scarp
- The front of my home-town museum
- Onyx (not the puppy), CA
- The glory (hole) of Ridgecrest!
- The quartzite tippy-top of Jeff Davis Peak]]
- Mini alluvial plain at the real Red Rock!
- Strat section in Glen Canyon NRA
- My fav pace in Utah: Island in the Sky
- Historic Grand Canyon rockfall
- An alcove near Moab
- Yosemite Valley from an airplane
- Mmmm... secret menu...
- First and only time rushing the field
- My Brunton Geo
- Mud log in process, geo is yours truely
- Gobi fault gouge
- What a load of...
- Dextral slickenside of pyrite
- Rusty old pyrite
- Archeocyathids from the Poleta formation
- Looks just like me!
- Weathering in a mantle xenolith... not bad for a hand sample from my first geo field trip!
- Beating a point...
- A severe lake!
- Not the Jim Rome screener...
- What a cute little fault!
- Radioactive log