User:OktayD Wikipedia:Babelarاللغة الأم لهذا المستخدم هي العربية.tr-4Bu kullanıcı Türkçeyi ana dili gibi anlıyor.en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau élémentaire de français.ايشبو ذات محترم ترقي كرده سويده لسان عثمانيه واقفدر.ota-3it-1Quest'utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.Cyrl-3ДThis user has an advanced understanding of the Cyrillic script.This user contributes using Linux.Search user languages NameThis user's real name is Oktay Doğangün. PhDThis user has a Doctor of Philosophy degree in High Energy Physics. BSThis user has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics. This user has published peer-reviewed articles in academic journals. This user's favorite subject is physics. MATHThis user's favorite subject is Mathematics. lib This user is a liberal and doesn't understand why Americans have demonised the word. This user ardently supports theParis Agreementon climate change. This user is a minarchist but also likes anarcho-capitalism. interwiki Türkçe - OktayD Français - OktayD العربية - OktayD Azərbaycan dili - OktayD Meta-Wiki - Oktay D. Mediawiki - OktayD