


I've had an edit review.

I've mostly been a WikiGnome in my years on here but sometimes I author an original article. As of late 2024 I have been trying to add solid references and edits — to railroad articles especially, as I'm a train nerd, and a research nerd, and I find those articles are often in need of references.

Ich kann Deutsch aber lese ich mehr als schreiben auf Wikipedia.

Mój polski nie dobry jest ale byłem w Polsce!

I also have a page on the Polish Language Wikipedia

Authored articles:

(Crossed-out names are what I originally titled them)

Cool stuff:

Wikipedia:Size in volumes

This user is an FCC-licensed amateur radio operator, with Amateur Extra-class privileges.
This user has made over 1300 edits on Wikipedia.
Icon This user has been on Wikipedia for 19 years, 5 months and 21 days.
This user tries to do the right thing. If they make a mistake, please let them know.