

Welcome to my userbox land!

This user supports autism acceptance, not awareness and prefers the ndinfinity flag.
This user knows that her userboxes are disorganised but has decided that she doesn't really care.
D:<Nothing annoys this user more than when a teacher says that Wikipedia isn't reliable and that anybody can enter anything completely untrue that'll stay.
enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
This user knows 6 digits of pi.
... This user may get around to being a professional procrastinator. Someday. Maybe.
This user has no understanding of time and does everything at the last minute especially when deadlines are approaching.
This user feels that all userboxes should be colorful and appealing.
Please use the pronouns
when referring to this user.
One can never have too many
This user identifies as a lesbian.
This user is ADDICTED to userboxes and keeps adding more to their page.