User:Hnjhj Wikipedia editor My Info{{{info}}}zh該用戶的母語是中文。该用户的母语是中文。en-3This user can contribute with an advanced level of English.This user is male.This user is a Cancer.This user was born in the Year of the Dog.狗這個用戶是華人。 这个用户是华人。This user is of Chinese ethnicity.華夏兒女This user lives in or hails from Shanghai.This user lives in Hong Kong.This user comes from Australia.This user comes from Melbourne.VCEThis user has completed the VCE and obtained an ATAR of 99.85BEngThis user has a Bachelor of Engineering degree.PhD(c)This user is a doctoral student in Computer Science.This user is a software engineer.This user is an academic. ComputingC:\>_This user uses DOS, or knows how to use it.This user contributes using Microsoft Windows.C-4This user is an expert C programmer.C++-4This user is an expert C++ programmer.C#-4This user is an expert C# programmer.Java-4This user is an expert Java programmer.hs-4This user is an expert Haskell user is an expert Prolog programmer.PHP-4This user is an expert PHP programmer.<html>This user can write HTML.XMLThis user can write XML.This user has a website.This user maintains a blog at BeliefathThis user is an atheist.This user is a skeptic.This user is a libertarian.This user is opposed to communism in both theory and practice. This user supports gender equality. This user is a Wikipedian. InterestsThis user is interested in science. This user is interested in philosophy. This user is interested in history.This user plays association football.This user plays snooker.This user can solve the Rubik's Cube in 200 seconds.This user knows by heart the first 200 digits in the decimal representation of pi.Wikipedia editor